Chapter 31 (Original Archive)
Lisa (mogwai) 9/20/2005
"Oh, you have got to be kidding me!" Becka whispers harshly, "So now
there's a sand monster, a dog-man, AND a walking metal WHATEVER! I
think I was better off with the frakin' Watcher!"
She peers out over the sand dune from Caleb to THX 1492. "At least
we know dog boy came from the same place we did. Maybe he has some
food. Still, I'm not going anywhere till I know what the machine
thing is up to." She grips her umbrella tightly and ducks back
behind the ridge.
gglassdr 9/20/2005
THX-1492 emerges from its space pod and turns on all its sensors to examine its new surroundings and new comrades.
"Greetings Warden mates. This unit is ready for service."
Elizabeth 9/20/2005
Irsa moves forward a bit and throws one of her spears at the tentacle.
The dogman needs help now. Then she heads back to the ridge to see what happens next.
katrinalieff 9/24/2005
just curious as to were Amanda was left off. is she still sleeping, or
is she now awake due to the fabric-eating monsters? if so she will arm
herself and go to see what all the fuss is about.
supreme_arbiter 9/24/2005
turn 19.2 - THX's sensors & Irsa's spear
THX-1492 turned on all its sensors and examined its
new surroundings and new comrades. There was no
significant radiation. In the valley of sand where the
escape pod had fallen there were 6 moving heat sources
that were non-human; all of them were beneath the
parachute. Irsa, Becka and Caleb were warm bodied
humanoids. It was too dark to see far, but there were
no other significant heat sources within line of sight
for a few kilometers. The robot ran a search algorithm
to locate radio transmissions but didn't find anything
Irsa moved forward a bit and threw one of her spears
at the tentacle. The dogman needed help. The spear
flew straight and true but did not penetrate the
tentacle's tough hide.
[OOC: I rolled a 9 on a 14 chance to hit, spear WC=20
hide AC=16]
She and Caleb stood back on the ridge a safe distance
from the tentacled terror and watched THX-1492 make
its way toward them. They soon became aware of an even
larger ship descending nearby. No external lights were
on, but it was noisy.
The lifeboat touched down and the gangplank descended
below her hull. The crew stepped off the ship and into
the sand. Before them stood a robot, a young girl with
green hair and a flying hamster.
"Greetings Warden mates," THX exclaimed, "This unit is
ready for service."
supreme_arbiter 9/24/2005
just curious as to were Amanda was left off. is she
still sleeping?
She had a good nap :^) While the crew took the
lifeboat up to get a bird's eye view, she was
monitoring fuel usage. There's enough fuel left for 7
hours and 45 minutes worth of burn.
*NOW* the ship has landed and Amanda stands at the
foot of the gangplank with Nike, Arkady and whoever
else wants to pipe up :) They are facing Irsa, Becka,
Caleb and THX-1492. The Fabric Eating Monsters are in
the sand dune valley below.
Amanda's P-150 protein disruptor pistol is in her belt
holster and her SK-19 Sturmkarabiner assault rifle is
in her hands! :)
supreme_arbiter 9/24/2005
I've been doing the rolling recently, for Caleb and Irsa
most recently. If anyone would prefer to make their own rolls,
please let me know and I'll oblige. I aim to please :)
Also, I accidentally switched usage on the name of THX-1492's vehicle.
I started calling it a 'skycar' then switched to 'aircar' by mistake.
Which do you like better?
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 9/26/2005
Irsa moves forward a bit and throws one of her
spears at the tentacle. The dogman needs help now.
Then she heads back to the ridge to see what happens next.
Caleb grunts as he sees Irsa's spear fly towards the
tentacled sand creature. "Unexpected help is welcome!"
he thinks as he renews his attacks upon the critter.....
katrinalieff 9/27/2005
Good to know she's well armed! Well, I guess after surveying the
situation (and giving a run down on the fuel), she will ask: "So, what
do you think we ought to do about *those*?"[Pointing to the monsters.]
stacinator 9/27/2005
Nike saluted the robot. "Hi. Having a problem with the desert
octopus over there?"
Lisa (mogwai) 9/27/2005
Becka starts (too late) to protest as her hampster companion rushed in
to do battle with the sand monster. With a heavy sigh she moves to follow.
She moves, without enthusiasm, toward the action where she keeps a
safe distance from the writhing tentacles. With her umbrella open and
held between her and the creature - a shield of dubious effectiveness -
Becka proceeds to be generally useless in the encounter at hand. She
is clearly keeping a safe distance from the strange metal man that has
just emerged from the flying vehicles.
supreme_arbiter 10/1/2005
Caleb stood firm and swung his axe at the creature
where its mouth was.
[OOC: I rolled 15 (3d6+4) to hit on a 9 chance, axe
WC=20 vs exposed blossom AC=21; Caleb did 11 points
damage (1d6+1d6)]
The axe badly injured it. The creature screamed and
contracted its tentacles in pain tearing the axe from
Caleb's hands.
[OOC: I rolled a 5 against Caleb's STR 13]
He stood above it, weaponless! The creature, still
very much alive, thrashed in pain and turned itself
upside down, taking the axe with it.
supreme_arbiter 10/5/2005
[OOC: Woops :) Since the roll was less than the
attribute, Caleb succeeded!]
Caleb pulled the axe away from the strong creature as
it tried to tear it from his grasp. It turned itself
over beneath the fabric and began digging in the sand,
upside down.
Caleb swung the axe for nearly a minute. The hide on
its backside was tough but five more blows penetrated
the monster and finally killed it.
[OOC: axe WC=20 vs hide AC=16
14 chance to hit (3d6+4)
1d6+1d6 damage
I rolled: 15 (8 dam), 12, 14 (7 dam), 18 (5 dam), 15
(4 dam), 8, 13, 8, 10, 19 (11 dam)
dead in 11 turns: 55 seconds!]
If Irsa joined in with her spear, it would have only
taken 30 seconds :) But don't worry, there's still
five more beneath the parachute, er I mean fabric.
Elizabeth 10/6/2005
Irsa comes down to help finish it off. But spotting five more, she touches Caleb's
right arm and says "Maybe we better leave the rest alone?"
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 10/7/2005
Caleb turns and looks at the hamster standing next to
him with a feral gleam in his eye. His tail twitches
as a strange memory of pulling a small rodent out of a
hole in the ground and eating it crosses his mind.....
"Must... not... eat... talking hamster..." he thinks to himself.
After regaining his composure, he says "Yes, perhaps
we should leave the rest alone. There are other
"people" here, perhaps we should go to meet them?"
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 10/7/2005
OOC: Woops :) Since the roll was less than the
attribute, Caleb succeeded!
I thought something looked wrong with that but figured
you knew what were doing...
Oh well, I forgive you... ;)
supreme_arbiter 10/14/2005
Howdy yo,
In this last turn I used a playtest copy of MA4e to run the combat.
Craig Brain, who is writing MA4e with James Ward, suggested that I add
the current players to the list of credited playtesters. You're in good
company: JW got together with his friends Alex and Gary Gygax to
playtest the new edition!
Here's a list of the playtesters I added: Ben Assaf (Percy), David
Crowell (Chelydra), Elizabeth Woodward (Irsa), George Glass (THX-1492),
John Raner (Caleb), Katrina Lieff (Amanda), Mike Johnson (Bud Asuda),
Paul Madison (Arkady), and Stacy Assaf (Nike).
Lisa, I didn't add your name because I don't know your last name ^_^
Let me know and I'll add it immediately (It isn't Mogwai, is it? ;)
I'll post a new turn *very* soon. Halloween is always crazy!
stacinator 10/14/2005
Very cool!!!
Lisa (mogwai) 10/15/2005
Wow! That's really very cool!
Will the game run under the 4th edition rules now?
My last name is Smith, btw. :)
supreme_arbiter 10/16/2005
Will the game run under the 4th edition rules now?
Mostly, for now. The character pages won't change
though: I'll continue to use the MA1e character
attributes. Armor Class will change. Of course the
Warden and the backstory won't change any.
My last name is Smith, btw. :)
Thanks, I added your name to the credit roster as:
Lisa Smith (Becka)
dr_wieg 10/17/2005
Sorry if this breaks any rules...I'm new at this.
I had heard something about MA4 a few months ago but was never able to
substantiate that it was any more than a there a tenative
release date? I'm really very interested in MA4.
I'd like to become active in this game but I'm still trying to think
up a decent character. Thanks.
supreme_arbiter 10/17/2005
No release date yet, but it is well into development.
James Ward will publish it first as a .pdf file. If
there's enough interest, he'll publish it as a hardbound book.
I'd like to become active in this game but I'm still
trying to think up a decent character. Thanks.
Sure :)
supreme_arbiter 10/17/2005
IAS turn 20 - Pentapi
[ooc: everyone is essentially in the same area. Caleb
and Irsa are standing near the escape pod and Becka
stands aloofly nearby. THX and the lifeboat's away
team are standing together at the top of the ridge.]
Nike saluted the robot. "Hi. Having a problem with the
desert octopus over there?"
"The canine humanoid was attacked by one. It is now
dead. Five others are moving along the ground beneath
the parachute. Another four remain hidden beneath the
sand and are not moving. I am unfamiliar with their species."
"Where are the hidden ones?" Nike asked.
"They are below the ridge in the valley. Three are on
the west side of the parachute, the other is on the east."
"So, what do you think we ought to do about them?" Amanda asked.
"Eradicate them," Arkady replied. "They're obviously a
menace. You ready for some target practice? Radio on,
Bailey can you give us some light down here. The moon
has gone down."
"Sure, Arkady. We couldn't see much from here in the
visibile spectrum. Life forms detection shows 3
humanoids and 1 robot. I also see 9 large starfish
like things: four of them aren't moving and a tenth
one has just died." Caleb, in the valley below, could
hear their conversation as if they were standing right
next to him, but he could not see anyone besides Irsa
and Becka.
The lifeboat's lights flashed on and illuminated the
dunes. Arkady walked along the ridge to the escape
pod. He gathered the parachute up by pulling it from
the valley. He yanked on it when the creatures caught
their tentacles on it. When he had gathered it all
together, he saw several creatures that looked like
octopi but with five tentacles each. Three were
scooting along the dunes. The other two were digging
in the sand upside down.
"Let me know before I walk over one of these things,
won't you Bailey?"
"Sure thing!"
Arkady approached one of the creatures that was
digging. He passed by the other three humanoids and
tipped an imaginary hat to them. "Greetings. The
name's Arkady. Can I help you with these things?" As
he spoke, he noted the patch on Caleb's Warden jumpsuit.
end transmission
Elizabeth 10/17/2005
Wow! Credited playtester. I'd buy the book just to see my name listed. Wow!
Elizabeth 10/18/2005
"Sure, if you want to. My name is Irsa." Says the winged hamster.
Lisa (mogwai) 10/22/2005
Though the sand monster is dead by Caleb's axe, Becka keeps her
umbrella raised defensively. Now she keeps it between herself and the
dog man.
"Um, Irsa, I'm not entirely sure he's not a Wolfoid and... um... maybe
we shouldn't talk to him. 'Cause he probably wants to eat you. I don't
even know what part of Warden we're in now... And, well, (gesturing
toward THX) I think there's a walking death machine coming this way."
Elizabeth 10/22/2005
"He's too friendly to be an enemy, Becka. And the machine is not a death machine cause its just
watching and not attacking us. A death machine attacks everything in it sight as soon as it gets
close enough and they can't operate movement machines either." Irsa says to Becka. Then to
the wolfoid Irsa says "Hi, my name is Irsa. Want to be friends, please?" Irsa is still a little
brighteyed with andrenalin and excited.
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 10/23/2005
Caleb grins and says "Sure, why not? Nothing I have
met since waking on that accursed ship has been
friendly...." Then he thinks a minute and says "I am
not sure what I am yet, but I don't think I am one of
those 'Wolfoids' your friend seems to fear."
supreme_arbiter 10/23/2005
Arkady approached to within a few meters of the
nearest creature. It was digging in the sand. He
unholstered his pistol, put a round in the chamber and
took aim. He emptied the entire magazine of ten
bullets. Only five struck the beast and penetrated its
hide. Click. Click. The magazine was empty but the
thing still lived! Arkady replaced the clip and fired
three more shots. The last one finally killed it.
He holstered his gun and returned to Caleb and Irsa.
Becka remained aloof, not sure of who to be more
frightened of: the canine-oid or the man with the gun.
Arkady thumbed the patch on his jumpsuit. "Are all of
us from the Warden? The robot over there and my
companions are too."
[OOC: Boring game details :)
The creature has 10d6 HP = 41
pistol with no laser sight WC=18 vs hide AC=16
12 chance to hit, 2d6 damage
I rolled: 7, 14 (7 dam.), 11, 10, 13 (8 dam.), 10, 13 (7 dam.), 9, 12 (4 dam.), 13 (6 dam.)
Second clip: 7, 13 (8 dam.), 15 (12 dam. - 11 more than it had left)
A pistol fires 3 shots per turn
total is 30 seconds = 5 turns + 1 turn reloading]
gglassdr 10/25/2005
As if it were completely disinterested in the battle just having been
concluded between its newfound human companions and the desert
creature, THX-1492 asks, "Interogative requested: please relate
historical record of refugee flight from Warden. Question: do these
units have return capability to Warden?"
supreme_arbiter 10/25/2005
"Most of our crew are Alpha Sequence clones," Nike
replied, "except for Bud and Bailey. They're members
of the orignal crew that were frozen. All of us have
been awake for only a few days or so. Long story
short, things are totally out of control on the
Warden. From what little we saw, the robots there have
gone mad and are trying to exterminate all humanoid
life. We were forced to flee in this lifeboat."
"Question: do these units have return capability to Warden?"
"Units? You mean us? No, not yet. It doesn't look like
she's capable of escape velocity, but she's a good
ship." Nike patted the gangplank strut affectionately.
[OOC: Nike, THX, Amanda and any of the crew that wants
to contribute are standing near the lifeboat
gangplank. Irsa, Becka, Caleb and Arkady are a few
dozen meters away below the ridge and cannot hear this conversation.]
[Amanda, isn't your trigger finger itching?... :D]
Elizabeth 10/25/2005
"I am from Warden. My name is Irsa. The humanoid female is Becka and she's from Warden as well.
What's your name, human with gunj?" Irsa asks.
supreme_arbiter 10/26/2005
[OOC: was 'gunj' an MA'ism or a typo? :)]
"Arkady, maam. Your friend Becka doesn't seem very
trusting but I don't blame her. I hope we can trust
each other. I'll introduce you to our captain, if you'd like."
Elizabeth 10/27/2005
"Oh yes. Can always use more friends. Makes staying alive easier and more comfortable."
Irsa says to Arkady.
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 10/28/2005
[OOC: was 'gunj' an MA'ism or a typo? :)]
I thought 'gunj' was MA slang for something one
smokes.... ;)
mikejohnson_lordofdance 10/30/2005
-Bud, (realizing that he'd inhaled a bit too deeply) notices that some
of his companions have left the bridge. As he looks over the scanners
and catches up on current events, he hoists the plaser and runs to (and
down) the gangplank.
-getting a whiff of spent ammo and mutant blood, he suddenly feels
(oddly) very calm and focused. He surveys the surroundings and notes
the various bot and humanoid presences, feeling a small sense of loss
that the combat seems to have abated.
"Hi!" with a big wave and a red eye, "Officer Asuda, at your service."
[radio-on, to crewmates on-site] "Any one/thing here that needs
mikejohnson_lordofdance 10/30/2005
"Hey, how much 'organic matter' do you think we could harvest here?"
gammaben 11/3/2005
[[OOC: Ok, more than a month of game posts to catch up on. Hope you
don't mind me inlining some Percyisms into the last few turns! Sorry
once again for the scandal of gammaben's posting delay!]]
IAS turn 19 - Fabric Eating Monsters
THX-1492, this is Captain Nike Thomason, UWSC Marine Corps. Set your
craft down on the ground below us. We will follow, over."
"Acknowledged, Captain Thomason," the robot replied as it set a
course for the aircar to land near where the escape pod landed below.
[[Percy]] "I like a robot who follows the proper chain of command."
Percy stole a glance at Shlitzee. "Of course, I like medical robots,
too," he added seriously, nodding at their resident bartending medibot.
"I've got something," Bud yelled. "It's an encrypted message." He
flipped a switch on the console. The cockpit speakers blared forth a
painful squeal. Horatio and his students all held their ears in
pain. "Ouch, sorry," Bud apologized as he turned the speakers
off. "It was feeding back. Huh, that's funny," he said as he pressed
the radio monitor's headphones closer to his ears. "Now the signal's
not there." He moved the dial minutely in the range of the frequency
he had just heard, but it was completely gone. "Ah! I should have
been recording it!"
[[Percy]] Percy thought for a minute. "Did anyone have their radio
turned on? Maybe it has a recording feature." Percy queried his
console again for information about the radio that might yield a
latent recorder. Maybe it had some kind of digital recording.
He tapped his head. He looked at Shlitzee. He raised his finger.
"Waaaaiitaminute. Shlitzee, you heard that! Any chance you can
reproduce that sound so we could analyze it?"
"Our reserves are at 46.5%. We were aloft for 15 minutes. We burned
0.1% of our fuel reserve in a minute. To put it another way, we can
burn our engines for," her eyes rolled back as she calculated, "7
hours and 45 minutes."
[[Percy]] Percy smiled at the math calculations Amanda made. He
mused to himself how Warden had stocked itself with the best of the
best for its venture into space. If they were going to make sense
of their existence as clones trying to effect an S.O.S. of Warden
they'd need every ounce of intelligence. He had a thought. Maybe
the cloning program wasn't messed up after all. Maybe it was
scrambling genes in some kind of warped sense of improving the
cloned crewmember's chance of survival. Zhaxier's invisibility
sure helped him out. His Wolfman Jack routine helped save Amanda
and who knows what else it'd be good for. Chelydra would have been
dead without his shell to retract into back on the ship. Slowly,
the madness started reforming into mild insanity. Progress, of
"Thanks Amanda. Bailey, will you please stay here and see to our
guests. Make sure they get a good show from up here. Anyone else who
cares to join me, we're going to see who this THX-1492 is and what
landed in that dune."
[[Percy]] "I'll come," Percy offered. He left his cloth bag of
stuff near his seat, left his Post-It Notes (TM) on the console,
and with fanny pouch, duralloy suit, and laser pistol on his
person, followed Nike out the ship.
The lifeboat touched down and the gangplank descended below her hull.
Nike and the crew stepped off the ship and into the sand. They gazed
at the scene before them.
[[Percy]] Percy bent down and grabbed some sand, letting it fall
through his fingers as he stood up, surveying the place. He spotted
THX-1492, and pointed out the obvious. "Look, sir, droid!" he said
to Nike. **
THX: "Greetings Warden mates. This unit is ready for service."
[[Percy]] "Do you need to be serviced, as in, you have a problem?
Or do you want to serve us, because you are programmed to serve
crewmembers of Warden?" Percy offered. It was nice to have a
pleasant conversation with a Warden robot, instead of running
away from one shooting its lasers and trying to dissect people.
Amanda's P-150 protein disruptor pistol is in her belt
holster and her SK-19 Sturmkarabiner assault rifle is
in her hands! :)
[[Percy]] Percy stands _behind_ Amanda's P-150 protein disruptor
pistol and SK-19 Strumkarabiner assault rifle.
OOC: Howdy yo,
In this last turn I used a playtest copy of MA4e to run the combat.
Craig Brain, who is writing MA4e with James Ward, suggested that I add
the current players to the list of credited playtesters. You're in good
company: JW got together with his friends Alex and Gary Gygax to
playtest the new edition!
Here's a list of the playtesters I added: Ben Assaf (Percy), David
Crowell (Chelydra), Elizabeth Woodward (Irsa), George Glass (THX-1492),
John Raner (Caleb), Katrina Lieff (Amanda), Mike Johnson (Bud Asuda),
Paul Madison (Arkady), and Stacy Assaf (Nike).
Whoa, awesome!!!!
IAS turn 20 - Pentapi
THX: "The canine humanoid was attacked by one. It is now
dead. Five others are moving along the ground beneath
the parachute. Another four remain hidden beneath the
sand and are not moving. I am unfamiliar with their species."
[[Percy]] "Hmmmmm, I believe I know of them. Fabricus
masticationus, from the Latin, of course," Percy whispered.
He had noticed that his sarcasm had picked up along with his
mood, from being on solid ground and not in space running
for his life down laser-filled hallways.
"So, what do you think we ought to do about them?"
Amanda asked.
[[Percy]] Percy continues to stands _behind_ Amanda's P-150
protein disruptor pistol and SK-19 Strumkarabiner assault rifle.
"Gulp." Heavily armed and eager mathematicians always
made him nervous.
Arkady approached one of the creatures that was
digging. He passed by the other three humanoids and
tipped an imaginary hat to them. "Greetings. The
name's Arkady. Can I help you with these things?" As
he spoke, he noted the patch on Caleb's Warden jumpsuit.
[[Percy]] Percy approached the new faces as Arkady
investigated the tunneling creatures, leaving Nike and
the others to communicate with THX-1492.
Caleb grins and says "Sure, why not? Nothing I have
met since waking on that accursed ship has been
friendly...." Then he thinks a minute and says "I am
not sure what I am yet, but I don't think I am one of
those 'Wolfoids' your friend seems to fear."
[[Percy]] Whistling innocently, Percy makes a mental note
not to wolf out in front of these folks. Obviously they'd had
a run in with some bad wolfoids back on Warden. "Waaaait
a second," he said, approaching the mutated human, not-quite-
coyote, and winged hamster. "I'm Percy Jenkins, from Warden,
no, really, I am," he insisted, seeing their doubtful looks
as his duralloy plated light suit covered his official Warden
uniform. "We're all from Warden. You said 'what part of Warden
we're in now.'" he said to Becka. "We're not on Warden
anymore!" He looked up. "Warden is up there, in orbit!"
"Hi!" with a big wave and a red eye, "Officer Asuda,
at your service."
[radio-on, to crewmates on-site] "Any one/thing here that
needs vaporized?"
"Hey, how much 'organic matter' do you think we could
harvest here?"
[[Percy]] Looking back upon hearing Bud's introduction
over the internal comm, Percy spied one of the two oldest
living crewmembers of Warden at the bottom of the gangplank
with THX, Nike and Amanda. "Radio on," Percy said, turning
aside and putting a hand to his ear instinctually. "Good
idea, we should feed some of these sandstars into the
matter compiler. But don't blast anybody else, they all
seem to be friendly so far! Radio off." He turned back
to Caleb, Becka and Irsa, and waited for their reaction to his
news that they weren't on Warden anymore.
** No Stormtroopers were harmed or plaigairized (much) in the making
of this post.
aeraxbob 11/3/2005
Shlitzfarl looks over the remaining crew then appraises the natives
aboard 'her' ship. Deciding the threat to be minimal 'she' joins Bud,
pulling the kaftan hood over the mohawk. Taking a special interest in
the new mechanoman, Shlitzee makes the universal bot sign
for 'friendly.'
aeraxbob 11/3/2005
Percy: "I like a robot who follows the proper chain of command."
Percy stole a glance at Shlitzee. "Of course, I like medical robots,
too," he added seriously, nodding at their resident bartending medibot.
[[Shlitzee]] left eye-brow raises slightly higher than human norm.
"I've got something," Bud yelled. "It's an encrypted message." He
flipped a switch on the console. The cockpit speakers blared forth a
painful squeal. Horatio and his students all held their ears in
pain. "Ouch, sorry," Bud apologized as he turned the speakers
off. "It was feeding back. Huh, that's funny," he said as he pressed
the radio monitor's headphones closer to his ears. "Now the signal's
not there." He moved the dial minutely in the range of the frequency
he had just heard, but it was completely gone. "Ah! I should have
been recording it!"
Percy: Percy thought for a minute. "Did anyone have their radio
turned on? Maybe it has a recording feature." Percy queried his
console again for information about the radio that might yield a
latent recorder. Maybe it had some kind of digital recording.
He tapped his head. He looked at Shlitzee. He raised his finger.
"Waaaaiitaminute. Shlitzee, you heard that! Any chance you can
reproduce that sound so we could analyze it?"
(OOC: assuming Shlitzee has this capability)
[[Shlitzee]] immediately reproduces the sound at the same painful squeal.
Then smiles at Percy while asking "What does your analysis indicate?"
Shlitzee then runs a dataline from 'her' right nostril into an appropriate
port and sends the info to the ship's computer. Looking up and making eye contact with
any who might be watching and deadpans "of course, I'll run a back up analysis as well."
"Do you need to be serviced, as in, you have a problem?
Or do you want to serve us, because you are programmed to serve
crewmembers of Warden?" Percy offered.
[[Shlitzee]] another deadpan to Percy: "Are you flirting with that fatherboard?"
supreme_arbiter 11/6/2005
IAS turn 20.8 - Pentapus
OOC: Wow, nice turn everybody! Ben, you floored me
with your post, and welcome back Barnabus, it's good
to see you :) I incorporated both of your additions
into Chapter 30. I'll push them live in a few weeks.
There were two comments made by Percy that he couldn't
have known about:
Percy makes a mental note not to wolf out in front
of these folks. Obviously they'd had a run in with
some bad wolfoids back on Warden.
You said 'what part of Warden we're in now.'" he
said to Becka. "We're not on Warden anymore!" He
looked up. "Warden is up there, in orbit!"
The comments Percy is referring to happened before the
crew got out of the lifeboat, sorry. Percy will have
to find another rationale for not 'wolfing', and Becka
still believes she's on the Warden.
As they say in meetings, on to old business: here are
my responses to your additions. These events happened
earlier than the 'present', but I thought they were
important enough to elaborate.
Percy contemplated the feedback. "Did anyone have
their radio turned on?"
"I did," Bud replied. "But I heard the feedback in the
monitors, not my headphones."
"Horatio and his students heard it too," Chelydra
noted over the radio, "and they don't have
"Maybe it has a recording feature." Percy queried his
console and tapped his forehead. He searched for
information about the radio that might yield a latent
recorder. There were a few software options to record
transmissions, but none of them were currently
running. He looked at Shlitzee. He raised his finger
and said, "Waaaaiitaminute. Shlitzee, you heard that!
Any chance you can reproduce that sound so we could
analyze it?"
Shlitzee immediately reproduced the sound at the same
painful volume. She smiled at Percy and asked, "What
does your analysis indicate?" She ran a dataline from
her right nostril into an appropriate port and sent
the info to the ship's computer. Looking up, she made
eye contact with Percy and Nike and deadpanned, "Of
course I'll run a back up analysis as well."
A moment later the computer responded with a message
on an overhead display. "Insufficient data. Analysis
"Inconclusive," Shlitzee responded incredulously. "I
knew I was smart, but I didn't realize I was smarter
than Pandora! For a small fraction of a second before
the feedback occurs there is an unobscured signal with
enough samples to make a limited analysis. I can tell
you the signal was encrypted, but that's about all.
"Do you need to be serviced, as in, you have a
problem? Or do you want to serve us, because you are
programmed to serve crewmembers of Warden?"
"All my functions are nominal." THX replied.
[OOC: this should've taken place earlier, sorry.
Amanda accompanied Arkady when he pulled back the
parachute and met Caleb, Becka and Irsa.]
Amanda watched Arkady kill the beast then took aim
with her Sturmkarabiner. She squeezed off a short
burst at the creature beside the corpse. Four armor
piercing, high explosive rounds tore into it and
killed it immediately.
Arkady grinned at her humbly. "You're a natural at
[OOC: Boring game details :p
the creature has 10d6 HP = 36
Sturmkarabiner, slugthrower rifle WC=15 but APHE
rounds WC=12
vs hide AC=16 but APHE rounds raise to AC=19
3 chance to hit, 3d6 damage AP-HE rounds, 6 rounds per
I rolled: 8 (6 dam.), 14 (8 dam.), 13 (6 dam.), 10 (17
dead in one round: 5 seconds! Very nice!]
[OOC: The 'present']
"Here comes one of our friends right now." Arkady
introduced them to Bud Asuda. He carried a plaser
rifle over his shoulder.
Bud whiffed and noticed the smell of spent ammo and
blood. He suddenly felt (oddly) very calm and focused.
He surveyed his surroundings and noted the various
humanoid presences. "Hi!" he said with a big wave and
a red, puffy eye. "Officer Asuda, at your service.
Radio-on. Any one/thing here that needs to be
Arkady pointed out a large, trunk-like creature
crawling along the sand away from them on five
tentacles. It was about four meters long from the tips
of its tentacles.
"Hey, how much 'organic matter' do you think we could
harvest here?"
"A lot!"
"Good idea," Percy said over the radio. "We should
feed some of these sandstars into the matter compiler.
But don't blast anybody else, they all seem to be
friendly so far!"
Bud unfolded the stock and hefted the plaser to his
shoulder. He consulted with Bailey to see how far
forward he could walk safely without disturbing the
hidden beasts. He stood so no one was on his right
side. "Watch out," he waved with his arm. "This rifle
ejects hot cartridges."
"Hey, uh, Bud," Arkady replied. "Should you be
operating heavy equipment?"
"Son, I'm a professional." Arkady smiled.
The plaser fired and a laser followed by a speeding
bolt of plasma burned across the desert. The rifle
ejected a cartridge to Bud's right. It sizzled in the
sand. The plasma struck the creature and vaporized a
large portion of it along with the surrounding sand,
but a portion of it struggled forward. "Damn," Bud
cursed. "I should have brought more cartridges." He
put the plaser over his left shoulder and unholstered
his pistol. He fired ten rounds at the creature, but
it continued to move away from them. Bud ejected the
clip and juggled the pistol and rifle to insert a new
clip. He fired three more shots and the beast finally
shuddered to a stop.
[The creature has 10d6 HP = 41
plaser WC=5 vs hide AC=16
no chance to miss! 10d6 damage
I rolled: 36, the beast still has 5 left
pistol with no laser sight WC=18 vs hide AC=16
12 chance to hit on 3d6 -2 for pistol at med range,
2d6 damage
I rolled (penalties subtracted): 6, 9, 9, 9, 5, 9, 11,
9, 11, 9
12 (2 damage), 10, 12 (7 damage)]
"Waaaait a second," Percy said as he approached the
human girl, not-quite-coyote and winged hamster. "I'm
Percy Jenkins from Warden. No really, I am," he
insisted, seeing their doubtful looks. His light
duralloy plated suit covered his official Warden
uniform. "We're all from Warden."
Elizabeth 11/7/2005
"Hello Percyjenkins of the warden. It's good to meet you. My name is Irsa." Irsa the winged hamster says.
katrinalieff 11/9/2005
Amanda stood with her gun in hand-still smoking. She was looking a
little dumbfounded at the creature that had just been pulverized buy
the shards of copper-jacked lead that had destroyed its body. So many
unidentified (and ugly) creatures about since she vaguely remembered
waking from her cyro-trance. snapping out if "it", she looked back to
Arkady: "a `natural'. Yeah, I seem to have a natural affinity for
these things' making a motion with the StrumKarbine. "I can't seem to
remember where it comes from. I remember being a teacher, but I don't
ever remember using these things before. You think I might have been
a member of the NRA or something like that? *sigh* So, where do you
think we will be going from here? I mean, aren't we stranded now?"
(OOC: I'm not sure if she is in the vicinity of the other PC's and
these new characters, ie; talking Hamster, etc. if so, she will just
remain quite ad listen, if she sees Nike, she will give her a coy, shy smile)
supreme_arbiter 11/10/2005
"So, where do you think we will be going
from here? I mean, aren't we stranded now?"
"We've got a working ship and a matter compiler. We're
not stranded!" Arkady replied. "If there's no way to
gain control of the Warden from this planet, we'll
find a way together. I suspect Nike will want to talk
about our next plan of action soon."
(OOC: I'm not sure if she is in the vicinity of the
other PC's and these new characters
OOC: There are two separate groups. They can see, but
can't hear, each other (except over the radio of
course.) The groups are:
Standing by the escape pod: Irsa, Becka, Caleb,
Arkady, Bud, Amanda, Percy
Standing by the lifeboat: THX-1492, Nike, Shlitzee
I'll be posting turn 21 this weekend
BTW, I forgot to give a shout out to Mike regarding
the plaser: you read my mind! :D
supreme_arbiter 11/13/2005
IAS turn 21: The Tour
Arkady shivered. "It's kinda creepy here now that the
rest of those sandstars are quietly resting below
ground. Let's get back to the ship. We can take care
of the rest later and feed 'em to the recycler."
Amanda and Bud nodded. "Ok," Percy said. He turned to
Irsa, Becka and Caleb. "Would you like to join us?
There's plenty of room."
"Yes please," Irsa replied. "I would like very much to
see the inside of your movement machine. How does it
"It, well... I," Percy fumbled, not quite sure of how
the ship's engines worked. "There'll be plenty of time
for that later," he beamed.
"Take what you want from the escape pod," Arkady
suggested. "We may be able to recycle it too, if you
don't mind." Caleb hefted his axe. It was his only
possession in the world.
"We did not come in that machine. We left ours back
there somewhere," Irsa pointed to the distant east.
Together they trudged up the dune to where Nike and
Shlitzee stood talking with THX-1492. Irsa, Becka and
Caleb gawked at the enormous ship. It was about 110
meters wide, 90 meters long and 40 meters tall.
OOC: An image of the escape pod, with mountains to the

"Ah, here comes her crew," Nike said as she patted the
gangplank strut affectionately. "What was the
situation down there?"
"Four dead sandstars," Percy replied. "Two got away by
digging into the sand. And we met these three refugees
from the Warden: Irsa, Becka and Caleb. I think we
should welcome them aboard."
"This starship is starting to resemble a flop house!"
"Actually this ship isn't a..." Arkady began
Nike interrupted him, "It was a figure of speech. Yes,
of course we're not going to leave you here to fend
for yourselves with the sandstars. Come aboard. We'll
give you the tour! Arkady, would you see that the
recyclables are collected?"
Embarassed, Arkady simply replied, "Of course." The
tender moment they had shared after the crash suddenly
seemed like an age ago.
Everyone walked up the gangplank and entered the ship.
"This door leads to storage," Nike said as they passed
the first door on the right. After everyone walked by
it, Arkady opened the door and went inside. The door
shut behind him. "The passage to the right leads to
the airlock and various systems. The passage to the
left will take you to the cockpit. Engineering and the
Captain's quarters are down there also." They moved
past the two corridors and turned left down a short
hallway into a large room with many tables and chairs.
"This is the mess hall. There's an entertainment
system in that room, more storage, a separate dining
hall and the kitchen through there. There's not much
food. Our other passengers have been kind enough to
supply us with a few loaves of bread, and some dried
fruits and meats. Help yourself."
They left the dining area and went to the large double
doors across the hallway. Nike opened them. "At the
end of the hallway is an exercise room, restrooms and
showers. There's a medical room at the far end. Choose
yourselves a room that's not already locked and make
yourselves comfortable but don't take too much time.
We'll meet in the cockpit in 15 minutes to discuss our
OOC: I've updated the map of the ship/lifeboat to show
which doors are locked. All security doors and sliding
doors that are *yellow* are locked. The map is
bookmarked below or you can easily get to it from the
IAS archive site: it's the top Resource link called
'Lifeboat Map'
Arkady rummaged through the supply room and found the
laser sight. It attached simply to his pistol and fit
inside the holster snuggly. His next stop was the
armory. He took a Sturmkarabiner off the wall and saw
that it was loaded. Next he entered the garage.
"Hephaestus, I have a job for you."
The robot chamber opened and the engineering robot
sprang to life. "Do you require assistance?" it asked.
"Yes. Follow me." Hephaestus followed Arkady onto the
cargo lift. Arkady pressed the down switch and the
lift lowered onto the sand below. They walked to the
escape pod and Arkady searched it for any valuable
parts. There were none. "Hephaestus, can you dismantle
this escape pod and feed it into the recycler?"
"Great! Please do so, and avoid walking into the
valley below. It's inhabited."
"Radio on. Bailey, will you please direct me to where
the sandstars are? I'm gonna take care of the last
"Sure Ark. By the way, Horatio tells me they call the
sandstars 'Sikalas'." Bailey explained where the last
six Sikalas were located.
"I'm going to use grenades to get them to the surface,
so don't mind the noise."
"Wait, stop!" Nike said over the radio. "We don't want
to attract attention to ourselves."
"I think it's too late for that. Besides, we've got
the ship's lifesigns and heat detection sensors to
warn us of any incoming threats. How do we look,
"Nothing but those six Skialas within a couple hundred
meters. And there are no significant heat sources
within about 20 kilometers."
"All right Arkady, but be careful."
Arkady fired a grenade at the place where Bailey told
him a creature was hiding. It rolled in the sand and
exploded. Near the detonation, the sand showered
upward as a Sikala's tentacles grasped what it thought
was its prey. Arkady fired five shots at it and killed
it. He repeated the process. Each Sikala was easier to
At last all ten corpses littered the valley. Bailey
confirmed that Arkady was the only living thing
outside the ship. He examined the corpses. The one
killed by Bud was mostly fused with the surounding
sand into a glassy mess, but some was left. Arkady
walked up the hill to where the robot was cutting the
escape pod into smaller pieces to carry to the
"Hephaestus, can you carry those pieces and the
corpses of those Sikalas up the gangplank to the
"Cool. Please do so, but leave that car alone," he
indicated the vehicle THX-1492 had flown.
Arkady bundled the parachute under his arms and
returned to the ship. He rode up in the cargo lift,
sealing the garage shut. He returned the
Sturmkarabiner to the armory, put the parachute in
storage and headed for the cockpit.
end transmission