UWSC Buffett Class Lifeboat - Pandora
3. Storage
- Unfolded parachute, ripped
- 3 Medkits with single use nanodoc applications, cold compress Shamees, heavy sedatives, antiseptic

- 2 solar cell rechargers
- 5 Type IV small Hydrogen Cells
- heavy wrench - "a meter long, stainless alloy, open-ended wrench, a perfect weapon"
- 4 crude spears
- crude polymer-handled plasteel axe
- munitions bag
- 72 blankets
- 187 water bottles (1 liter each)
- 3 jackets
- 22 empty jacket hangers
- 2 small devices
- maps and brochures
- 8 issues of Guns & Ammo Magazine
9. Biomedical Storage
- Refrigerater
- labeled boxes and jars of various sizes
- spare robot parts
- various vials, bottles, hypos, and bags filled with pills and fluids
12. Quarters
Each room sleeps three, the beds are three tiered bunk beds.
There is a full length mirror on the back of the door.
duffle bag (in cabinet):
- 2 Medkits with single use nanodoc applications, cold compress Shamees, heavy sedatives, antiseptic

- 1 solar cell recharger
- 3 Type IV small Hydrogen Cells
- 1 blanket
- 1 water bottle (1 liter)
- 1 jacket
- 1 small device
- hand radio
- cloth bag with draw-string opening (in middle bunk)
- food processing robot external control panel
- wiring
- Zhaxier's black silk boxer shorts (2 pocket variety)
- hand-drawn map of Environment Bay on yellow paper
- staple remover
- stapler
- box of staples (1000)
- loaf of bread
- Clothes from Percy's clone bay on the Warden:
- socks
- briefs
- pants
- handkerchief
shirt with a circular patch on the left chest pocket with a picture
of an ellipsoidal ship, the word "WARDEN" above, and a white box
below with "Sys/Tech Crew" embroidered in red
- Warden jumpsuit with his patch and insignia, found in his clone bay
- a high-quality copy of a Russian icon mounted on a small piece of duralloy with a magnetic backing mounted above the bed

- 15 megawatt Type-21F Kurita plasma rifle (Plaser) - loaded (39/40)
requires Type VII small Atomic Cell (40 rounds/cell)
and Type IV small Hydrogen Cell (1 round)

- Backpack
- ultrathin all-weather gear
- rations
- programmable sonic bomb

- Duralloy axe with an alluminum handle (under the bed)
- This room smells like urine
13. Engineering
- telescope (unremoveable)
- forge (unremoveable)
- fuel mining device
- 40 Type VI large Hydrogen Cells
17. Kitchen
18. Recreation Room
- Omega Box® - a 2D/3D movie and gaming console with surround sound
19. Pantry
20. Garage
- Hovercraft

- Sportscar

- Aircar
- Powered by 2 Type VI Large Hydrogen Cells (empty)
- 2 extra Type VI cells in storage
- 4 bottles of water in storage
- 2 blankets in storage
- 1 medkit in storage

21. Munitions
- combat shotgun - single-shot/burst
12 18mm shells

- SK-19 Sturmkarabiner assault rifle - single-shot/burst
requires orange catalyst cartridge (600 rounds/cart), 27/50 9.1mm APHE bullets, 0/6 30mm grenades

- Savalette Guardian - 9mm handgun (10 bullets)

- dart ejector

- pod launcher

- fist-sized pods - 5 frag (red), 5 smoke (blue) and 6 knockout gas (green)

- Duralloy shield

- 3 belt holsters
- 4 shotgun shell pouches - holds 24 each
- 5 ammo pouches - holds 4 handgun/2 assault rifle clips each
- 3 Type VII small Atomic Cells
- 71 Type IV small Hydrogen Cells
- 57 boxes, each labeled "9mm - 10 rounds"
- 57 boxes, each labeled "9.1mm APHE - 10 rounds"
- 12 9mm ammo clips (10 rounds each)
- 25 9.1mm assault rifle ammo clips (50 rounds each)
- 4 catalyst cartridges for SK-19 (orange)
- 19 red grenades (frag)
- 13 green grenades (knockout gas)
- 9 blue grenades (smoke)
- 5 boxes of shotgun shells
- 1 box of small metal pellets and empty shotgun shells
- 12 rounds - non-lethal shotgun shells
- Shotgun shell loading machine
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