Chapter 32 (Original Archive)
Elizabeth 11/14/2005
Irsa will take room 12B(as marked on map).
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 11/15/2005
Caleb walks up and down the hallway twice before
settling on room 12I. He stows his axe under the bed
and then sits down for a minute. Deciding to make the
room "his", he uses the toilet. After that he heads up to the cockpit....
Elizabeth 11/15/2005
Irsa, after claiming her room and putting her weapons under the bed,
heads for the cockpit. Wow, she thinks this place is great. I wonder what's for our next meal?
gglassdr 11/15/2005
THX-1492 follows the crew into the ship. It notices Arkady ordering the engineering bot Hephaestus
to dismantle the pod and decides to assist the little bot.
Assuming the Arkady is in command from his "commanding" presence, THX-1492 turns to
Arkady as it passes and asks him, "Commander Arkady, what is the status of
communications from the Warden?"
katrinalieff 11/16/2005
Amanda, relieved, follows the rest of the group in to the vessel.
noticing that her aquientances are all staking out rooms, she does
the same. when going to the bridge to 'brief' the situation, she does
not put her rifle away, carrying it with her the whole time.
Lisa (mogwai) 11/20/2005
Becka follows the others on board, rambling on to no one in
particular, "You people are all talking crazy talk... of course we're
all from Warden. Where the hell else would we be from?"
"Speaking of which, does anyone know how I can get back to my village?
I'm pretty sure the lift we took down here is broken... oh, food?!"
The mention of food finally shuts here up. After scarfing down a
portion of the bread and dried fruit, she follows the others' example
and claims a cabin (12b).
Before long she's grown restless again, and begins wondering about the
ship with any eye for any small pieces of loose technology. She
eventually finds her way to the ships storage room.
(OOC - Apologies for being slow in responding to the game posts)
supreme_arbiter 11/20/2005
I've updated the Lifeboat map. I've added locked (yellow) doors where
characters have chosen rooms and added room inventories for those
characters that have left items in their locked rooms:
Irsa took room 12B. Becka also chose 12B. Did she intend to share a
room with Irsa?
Caleb chose 12I, but that room is locked: it's Arkady's :) And BTW, in
whichever room he chooses, does he 'mark his territory'?! lol Feeling a
bit feral?
Although Amanda chose a room, she didn't choose a room letter.
And how about Packrat Percy? Where's he going to store his stuff? ;)
supreme_arbiter 11/20/2005
OOC: This conversation took place at the gangplank just before
everyone entered the ship...
Becka: "You people are all talking crazy talk. Of course we're all
from Warden. Where the hell else would we be from? Speaking of which,
does anyone know how I can get back to my village? I'm pretty sure
the lift we took down here is broken."
The crew looked at each other nervously. "We're not on Warden
anymore!" Percy replied. He looked up. "Warden is up there, in orbit!"
OOC: *now* Percy could've said that, thanks :)
OOC: ...THX followed Arkady on his errand...
Arkady noticed THX had followed him. "You want to help? It's nice to
finally meet a robot that still functions properly after all these
OOC: outside at the escape pod...
"I will assist," THX extended its grappling claws and prepared to
carry pieces back to the ship.
"Thank you, THX."
"Commander Arkady, what is the status of communications from the
"Commander, huh? Hmm, I like the sound of that," Arkady
grinned. "Communications to and from the Warden seem to be completely
down. We have personal comm devices, but we haven't been able to made
contact with the Warden yet."
gammaben 11/21/2005
OOC: I can't believe no one commented on my obvious Star Wars
THX-1492, and pointed out the obvious. "Look, sir, droid!" he said
to Nike. **
** No Stormtroopers were harmed or plaigairized (much) in the making
of this post.
Oh well! Life, and the game, go on. :)
Earlier, on the ship...
"Inconclusive," Shlitzee responded incredulously. "I
knew I was smart, but I didn't realize I was smarter
than Pandora! For a small fraction of a second before
the feedback occurs there is an unobscured signal with
enough samples to make a limited analysis. I can tell
you the signal was encrypted, but that's about all.
[[Percy]] "Encrypted. Why would someone encrypt this signal?
Piggybacking?" Percy thought to himself. He vowed to revisit
the signal and perhaps do his own analysis later. For a
second, he got the heebie-jeebies all over again, as if he
were being watched. "Damn that Watcher," he said aloud. "Now
I'm paranoid for life!"
"Here comes one of our friends right now." Arkady
introduced them to Bud Asuda. He carried a plaser
rifle over his shoulder.
OOC: No kidding, I was just reading Peter David's _Star Trek: New
Frontier: Excalibur: Restoration_ novel the other day, and in the
book, someone pulls out a plaser. Hot diggity! You go
thirty-something years not even hearing about a plaser, then all of a
sudden there's plasers to the left of you, plasers to the right of
you! :)
"Hello Percyjenkins of the warden. It's good to meet you.
My name is Irsa." Irsa the winged hamster says.
Percy mentally filed a question for later. "Winged
hamsters?" He returned the compliment. "Likewise, it is good
to meet you! All of you."
The crew looked at each other nervously. "We're not on Warden
anymore!" Percy replied. He looked up. "Warden is up there, in
"I'm sorry if this comes as a shock to you, but this isn't
just another realistic environment deck. I'm assuming you know about
the environment decks, since you know about Warden." Percy spoke
to her as he might his own daughter. He paused mid-thought, and
mid-explanation. He wondered for the first time, if he had a
daughter, or a wife, for that matter. From within his gloves,
he rubbed his fingers together as if he were searching for a wedding
band. Then he realized he probably looked really silly walking around
in armor. He pulled off his helmet, and apologized for no good reason
really than to explain that he wasn't the muscles of the operation,
despite the armor and laser pistol. "Sorry about the combat get-up!"
"Tell you what, Becka," he said reassuringly. "We're all survivors
of sorts of Warden. How about I dump this silly get up and we take in
a cup of coffee in the Dining room? We can compare notes about what
we've seen and heard both on and off the mothership."
After their conversation, Percy swung by the bridge and picked up his
bag of stuff from Warden. Then it was down the hallway to the
crew quarters where he thought he'd dump his bag and suit. It
naturally occured to him to just pick the first one he came upon, so
he tried to gain access to the first room on the right. It had a
passcard panel. He swiped his card after fishing it out of his fanny
A readout activated: 'Access denied'
He figured the room was already claimed. He turned about face and
tried its passcard panel. [[ Room 12h ]] The panel lit and the door
opened. Satisfied with is brute force linear search of rooms, he
walked in and saw a triple bunk on the right, desk with a computer
terminal on the left and some shelves and cabinets. "This'll do
nicely," he said to himself as he walked in. The door closed behind
him. Percy Jenkins, the junk collector, threw his bag and suit
helmet onto the middle bunk.
Looking at himself in the mirror on the backside of the door, he saw
how silly he really looked. "Aren't you a little short for a
stormtrooper?" he laughed as he spoke.
On the suit there were scorch marks from the firefight he'd
survived on Warden before the escaped into the hangar bay. Some of
the burn marks were too close for comfort. It had served its
purpose and he was glad to have picked it up. But honestly, he felt
more human, more himself, in his loose fitting crew uniform. He
stripped off the duralloy light suit and threw it on the middle bunk,
From his cloth bag o' stuff, he retrieved the Post-It Notes and
stuffed them in his pants pocket. He was about to close it up when
he noticed again the black silk boxer shorts (2 pocket variety) that
Zhaxier had thrown at him before disappearing. It wasn't the first
time and it wouldn't be the last time that he wondered what had become
of the invisible propulsion engineer. He stuffed everything back in
the bag and tucked the laser pistol half way into his pants'
standard issue stretchy-waist. He walked to the computer terminal.
His first thought was to pull up the ShipNet and check his mail. So
that's what he did, just for the heck of it. It wasn't as if he had
any important crew communications he needed to read before getting on
shift, but the routine comforted him somewhat. He wondered if the
ship had a copy of the Warden mail files or not. Communications being
down between the ship and Warden might make his efforts at a
comforting routine turn frustrating, but he tried anyway.
[[What happens? The computers of Pandora obviously downloaded
personnel information since they recognize thumbprints. So maybe all
this time Pandora had been on Warden, it was downloading ship
information, too?]]
Before leaving the desk, he wrote a note for himself on a Post-It:
"Encrypted signal."
Percy knew he had a coffee and a green haired girl and her
hamster friend to meet in the dining hall, so he wasted no more time
and headed to the door. There was another passcard panel on the
inside. He swiped his card against it and put it back in his fanny
pouch. 'Jenkins, Percy' was printed on the passcard panel's
readout. The next memory came to him unbidden and he was pleasantly
surprised. (He still hadn't remembered everything, but he guessed this
was one of the cheese parts and not the hole parts of his Swiss
Memory.) He put his thumb against the panel.
'Thumbprint unknown. Please swipe passcard.'
"Didn't you just get that information you senseless piece of junk?"
Percy the computer tech said accusingly as he fished his card from his
fanny pack again, and swiped his card again. 'Jenkins, Percy.
Thumbprint saved. Door locked. You may now use your passcard or
thumbprint to lock or unlock this door.'
"Well as I'm trying to LEAVE the FREAKING ROOM..." Percy grumbled.
He pressed his thumb against the door again. 'Jenkins, Percy. Door
unlocked.' He opened the sliding door and walked out. Turning
around, he pushed his thumb against the panel again. 'Jenkins, Percy.
Door locked.' Sighing at the technology--he'd have to hack it later
and make it more efficient, he headed to the dining hall to meet the
Warden refugees they'd just picked up.
Lisa (mogwai) 11/21/2005
Ooops, my mistake. Becka will take 12a instead, just next door.
stacinator 11/21/2005
Nike took a moment to go to her quarters. She had been under
tremendous pressure for so long, that her body was starting to require
some sort of release... Should she? Could she?
She could have assigned anyone to get the recyclables. But she wanted
Arkady alone, in case...
"Dammit, get ahold of yourself soldier!" She said to herself
sternly. And with that, she marched back out of her room in search of
the BAR. [B-ig A-ss R-obot]
Elizabeth 11/23/2005
OOC: Irsa already claimed 12b
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 11/25/2005
Caleb chose 12I, but that room is locked: it's
Arkady's :)
In that case, Caleb takes one of the empty rooms; it
doesn't matter which one.
And BTW, in whichever room he chooses, does he 'mark his
Of course! :)
lol Feeling a bit feral?
Nope, just feeling sorta "coyoteish"..... :)
gglassdr 11/26/2005
THX responds: "Commander Arkady, if communications with Warden have not been established,
what is the plan for rendezvousing with the Warden?"
gglassdr 11/26/2005
THX-1492, and pointed out the obvious. "Look, sir, droid!" he said
to Nike.
THX would be insulted at the term "Droid"!
supreme_arbiter 11/28/2005
I hope everybody had a good weekend! I've got a lot of
issues here. Sorry if this message is a little
First order of business: the plaser that Bud fired
earlier should have done much more damage than I gave
it credit for. I rerolled the damage and it did over
70 points: more than enough to melt it into a puddle
of sandy goo!
How about [...] we take in a cup of coffee in the Dining room?
OOC: There's no coffee in the kitchen, Muwahaha! Maybe
the matter compiler makes food too...
Percy wondered if the ship had a
copy of the Warden mail files or not.
[[What happens? The computers of Pandora
obviously downloaded personnel information
since they recognize thumbprints. So maybe
all this time Pandora had been on Warden,
it was downloading ship information, too?]]
There were no inbound or outbound messages. The 'sent
messages' directory was empty. He browsed the ship's
personnel database. There were over a million names
listed. He looked up his own record and discovered a
page of data on himself, the former Percy that is.
OOC: Have fun with Percy's background if you wish. The
ship has lots of unclassified personnel data.
OOC: I confirmed this with the archive (mostly ;)
Perhaps Z can contribute an opinion if I strayed from
consistency?) None of the crew's fingerprints were on
record. Only a few are now: those who scanned their
fingerprints then swiped their passcards. All the
keypads of unlocked doors in quarters will open at the
touch of any finger. Once opened, the door will
henceforth remember that fingerprint and prevent other
prints from opening it (the ID of the owner of the
print is not needed).
OOC: A note on finger prints in general - they're not
genetic. Neither are retinas. They both form randomly.
That is to say, the computer has Percy's finger and
retina prints in its database but they don't match
'our' Percy's prints. Well, Ok they do now because he
scanned and then swiped his passcard, but that means
there are now *two* sets of fingerprints for Percy in
the database.
Nike marched back out of her room in search of
the BAR. [B-ig A-ss R-obot]
She finally found the robot outside with Arkady. They
were examining the red vehicle that the big ass robot
had flown. As she approched them, she heard Arkady
say, "Why don't we park it in the lifeboat's garage?"
Becka: finds her way to the ships storage room
OOC: Here are the items she finds in that room:
OOC: Irsa already claimed 12b.
OOC: Becka occupied room 'A' and Irsa occupied room
'B'. I've updated the locked doors and room
assignments as well as inventories in the lifeboat map. I selected 'K' for
Caleb because it's in the middle of the hallway, and
for Katkin Kalvin ;)
THX: what is the plan for rendezvousing with the Warden?"
"We don't really have one right now. Do you think this
lifeboat could be capable of entering orbit?"
"It could with booster rockets and a launch platform."
"If it comes to that, we might. We'll be stuck here
for a while if we do."
Finally, I'm sorry if anyone tried to use the IAS
archive this weekend and it was down :( There was a
problem over the weekend that I was unable to resolve
until this morning. The site is back up and running again :)
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 11/28/2005
I selected 'K' for Caleb because it's in the middle of the hallway, and
for Katkin Kalvin ;)
Sounds good to me :)
gammaben 11/30/2005
For some reason I never got around to reading Paul's review even though it was brief.
I guess I saved it for later thinking the review was much longer. Ah well. Anyway, I'd
read the very beginning of Heinlein's Orphans book years ago, but had forgotten about it.
Thanks for the reminder; I'll have to go back and pick it up (i.e. steal it from my parents'
house next time we visit).
A neat addition to your MA website might be a Reading List. You could list these books and
others that have to do with the genre. You could even get crafty and make links to Amazon
and get referral fees if folks bought them after clicking through your link to Amazon. Hey,
you might make a few bucks over the course of a year, or two. After all, everyone has to
have their own get-rich-slow scheme, eh? No? Just me? Oh well.
Thanks for taking the time to review. I have a lot of time to read now a days as I'm switched
my commute to mass transit and these seem a couple good candidates for my bus/train ride.
I could have written this reply just to our esteemed reviewer and Supreme Arbiter, may his
electrons never orbit mutated nuclei, since I didn't really add much to the group with my
mass transit rambles. I could have... but I didn't.
mikejohnson_lordofdance 12/3/2005
Bud walks through the ship, feeling somewhat better about things since
he fired a weapon or two. He finds the first unclaimed cabin and
claims it (with requisite key/prints).
Gently laying the plaser on one of the bunks, he can't help be drawn
to the power of the weapon: he looks around, fully aware that no one
is watching, then bends over to sniff the barrel of the recently
discharged deathstick.
Realizing that the conference is likely to start soon, he washes his
face, straightens his centuries-old attire and heads to meet his
companions. Along the way he whistles a jaunty nautical tune and
wonders if the decompiled sandcreatures could be turned into beer...
Lisa (mogwai) 12/11/2005
The following items find their way into the dufflebag, and the
dufflebag finds its way into Becka's quarters.
- 2 Medkits
- 1 solar energy cell
- 3 Hydrogen energy cells
- 1 blanket
- 1 water bottle
- jacket
- 1 small devices (just out of curiosity)
- hand radio
- a hard bound book with a cloth cover
- binoculars
After her raid on the storage rooms, Becka joins Percy in the kitchen
for whatever beverage is available. The revelation of the nature of
the Warden comes as a surprise to her, she has not trouble
comprehending what he relates. Percy does begin to catch that things
might not be entirely right with the young girl. During their
conversation she seems distracted at times. Almost as if she's hearing
sounds or voices that only she can hear.
[O.O.C. - Arbiter, did we ever decide exactly when Becka's precog
powers would work? Do I initiate them in my posts, or will you
introduce her "episodes" at certain times, since you would have to
provide the info on what exactly she sees.]
gammaben 12/11/2005
On his way to the dining hall, Percy remembered there was
not a scrap to eat or drink. So he made a quick detour back to the
garage and the matter compiler. Focusing on his quest, while only
supplying polite but brief hellos to the folks loading carcasses and
spare parts into the compiler, he puts in a high priority order for
some coffee. He didn't remember if he'd seen the kitchen's dispensing
system. Would he need beans to grind? Grains to filter? He decided
on just a couple of gallons of black liquid coffee and some sugar.
"Emergency situation," he explained to Arkady and Nike who were
loading in the garage. The air was full of tension. He didn't know
if it was because of something in the air of the garage, or that he'd
just realized it'd been several days since he'd awakened to his new
life as a clone, and hadn't had any coffee since then. The memories
of his coffee tastes came rushing to him and the words "coffee addict"
percolated (pun intended) to his thoughts. "Must have coffee!!!" He
waited patiently for the order to register and then marched back to
the kitchen to meet with the new Warden arrivals.
supreme_arbiter 12/12/2005
1 small device (just out of curiosity)
I should hope so :D ;)
OOC - Arbiter, did we ever decide exactly when
Becka's precog powers would work? Do I initiate them in my posts[...]?
In a word, yes. You decide when to use her precog
Once Becka uses precog, that half of her Poor Dual
Brain will be operative for the rest of that numbered
turn, meaning she won't be able to use Heightened
Tough or Heightened Brain Talent until the beginning
of the next turn number.
Of course, even when her normal, present tense brain
in operative she can still behave like she's loopy
without actually having a precog moment :)
How's that?
supreme_arbiter 12/14/2005
Percy looked through the Emergency Equipment directory
and found instant coffee and granulated sugar. He put
in a high priority order for both and read the coffee
instructions while he waited: 'Add hot water'.
Before long Becka grew restless again and began
wandering about the ship with any eye for small pieces
of loose technology. She eventually found her way to
the ship's storage room. The room was filled with so
much good stuff, she almost couldn't believe it! She
took the duffle bag and filled it with two medkits, a
solar cell, three hydrogen cells, a blanket, a water
bottle, a jacket, the hand radio, the binoculars, a
hardbound book with a cloth cover and a small device
which she didn't recognize but was curious about.
She carried the bag back to her room without being
seen and went to find Percy in the kitchen. As she
walked she imagined this vehicle in the air again,
with her in it. The revelation of the Warden's nature
had come as a surprise to her. Could the Warden be
like this vehicle only unimaginably larger? She
comprehended the possibility.
When Nike finally found THX-1492, the robot was with
Arkady examining the aircar the big ass robot had
flown in. As she approached them, she heard Arkady
say, "Why don't we park it in the lifeboat's garage?"
THX turned at Nike's approach. Arkady looked up and
smiled, "Oh, hi."
Nike forgot why she'd come looking for the robot. The
smell of the night air suddenly made her think of Thom
again. She remembered another moment they had shared
together. Her cheeks colored. Arkady wondered at her
far away look. He followed her gaze into the cabin of
the aircar. "What do you think of the jet?"
"Huh?" she asked. "Oh, well I..." She shook off her
daze. "I've never seen anything like it."
"Me neither, but that doesn't mean much. Do you think
we should bring it on board?"
"Yeah, that's a good idea."
THX climbed into the torn cabin chair and Nike
directed it onto the cargo door. They rode the lift
into the garage. It was a tight fit, but it closed all
the way without scratching anything. Hephaestus
continued hauling the recycling up the gangplank.
"Emergency situation," Percy explained as the lift
stopped. Arkady and Nike jumped. Percy sensed tension.
He'd been awakened as a clone a few days ago and he
hadn't had coffee but once! Memories of coffee came
rushing to him and the words 'coffee addict'
percolated into his thoughts. "Must have coffee!" he
exclaimed as the compiler beeped. He removed two small
containers and left the garage.
"We should make extra headsets and blank passcards,"
Arkady suggested. Nike nodded in agreement. Arkady
punched up six of each and shut the security door
while the devices started compiling. He went next to
the armory to show Nike the weapons they had on hand.
He returned the Sturmkarabiner to its place in the
Nike struggled with her urges and her sense of duty.
Everyone else was waiting for them in the cockpit.
Instead she was idly counting the hydrogen cells and
the number of boxes of 9mm armor piercing, high
explosive rounds to cool her emotions.
"What d'ya think?" Arkady asked.
"I don't know. I'd like to think we won't need any of
it, but I've grown kind of cynical. I wasn't just born
yesterday, you know."
Arkady returned her smile. "Weren't you?"
"Yeah, actually I was."
"Hey, I've been around for nearly four days. I guess
that makes me twice as old as you!" They laughed and
the tension between them melted. They shut the armory
and headed for the cockpit.
"You're just in time for coffee," Percy said as Becka
entered the kitchen. "It's not exactly Kona, but it'll
do." Percy poured a black coffee powder from a small
container into a cup. He took a larger container out
of the microwave oven, poured hot water from it,
stirred it with a spoon and offered it to Becka.
"Careful, it's hot. There's sugar if you like it
sweet," Percy indicated a third container which
contained a granulated white substance. Percy watched
her as she took the hot beverage. She seemed
distracted, as if she heard sounds or voices that only
she could hear.
OOC: I've almost completed the next turn. I'll post it
in the next few days.
supreme_arbiter 12/16/2005
IAS turn 1: The Demon Haunted World
OOC: I've rolled back the turn counter because this
turn is the beginning of a new segment of the story.
"Well we'd, uh, better get to the cockpit," Percy said
to Becka. He wondered just how sane she was. Becka
silently warmed her hands with the hot beverage and
followed him.
Percy and Becka arrived in the cockpit and saw
everyone was there already. Amanda cradled her rifle.
She seemed to be fondling it. Bailey was working at
Percy's computer. Nike stood beside him. She was
talking to him about something on the monitor. She
looked up and noticed Percy. "Ah, we're all here," she
said. "Let's get started. We have a map to show you,
but let's get better acquainted first. My name is
Nike. My friends Percy, Chelydra, Amanda, Arkady and I
are all Alpha Sequence clones. The Warden's computers
cloned us in response to what it considered an
emergency, although it's a mystery to us why we
weren't cloned hundreds of years ago when radiation
killed most of the Warden's passengers and crew.
Percy, Chelydra and I woke up on the Warden a few days
ago and have been trying to reestablish control of the
ship. Our friend Zhaxier also woke up with us but we
haven't seen him since shortly before we boarded this
ship. His whereabouts are unknown. We met Amanda and
Arkady while exploring the Warden. We also met Rufus
who's no longer with us."
"His body's in the medbay awaiting a proper burial,"
Percy added.
"We've been running for our lives until now. The
section of the Warden that we passed through seemed to
be under the control of an android that calls itself
the Watcher. It sent robots to kills us. We managed to
secure this lifeboat but we were shot and damaged when
we left the Warden. We crashed on this planet. We've
repaired the ship and it is now fully operational."
"Except for the ship's higher AI functions," Percy
noted. "The ship's computers are functioning, but not
the ship's AI, Pandora."
"Right, thanks Percy. Percy's our computer specialist.
Arkady is our pilot. Chelydra is security. I'm a
marine and Captain of this here lifeboat. In a former
life Bud was an acquaintance of mine, and possibly
Percy also. Memories of our previous lives are coming
back to us slowly. Bud and his friend Bailey are not
clones. We found them here, frozen in the medbay.
Speaking of which, I'm still unclear as to how you
came to be on this lifeboat."
Bud shifted nervously in the awkward silence. Bailey
looked at him. "Oh, well we... You know there was a
mutiny, right?" Bud asked.
"Yeah, I remember something about it," Percy replied.
"Captain Margulis scrambled the Command and Navigation
systems to prevent them from taking control of the
ship. It happened long after the radiation disaster, I
"That's right. The mutiny happened just after the
Warden arrived at 82 Eridani."
"And?" Nike said after another awkward silence.
"...and Bailey and I were both in the Warden Delta
Corps security forces." Bailey nodded.
"That doesn't explain why you were frozen in this
"We were sent into S-Tower in the City with orders to
neutralize a group of mutineers that had occupied the
officer's quarters. We were captured, but we had a spy
among them that managed to get us frozen instead of
murdered. We have no idea why we woke up hundreds of
years after that instead of just a few hours. Those
are the facts," Bud grinned charmingly.
Nike smiled back and continued with the introductions,
"Shlitzee's the robot with the mohawk. There are four
other robots still functioning on this ship: two
general purpose robots, a propulsion engineering robot
named Terminus and a general engineering robot named
"Waaaaitaminute! How do you know about Hephaestus and
"While you guys were still embarking, Pandora helped
me configure the ship for our use," she smiled.
"Finally, this gentleman here is Horatio and the five
men with him are his students. Horatio's a priest of,
uh... Excuse me, what do you call your religion
Horatio looked puzzled. "We do not call it anything.
We worship God, the Holy Spirit and his Son, John
Galt, like everyone else. Why should it have a name?
There is no other religion."
"Right," Nike replied sarcastically. "Good point.
Anyway, they're our guests for the time being. That's
about all there is to know about us. What's the story
with you guys?" she said to THX-1492, Caleb, Becka and
OOC: THX-1492, Becka, Caleb & Irsa - feel free to
elaborate on your character's origins here.
"If we're not on the Warden anymore," Irsa said, "how
do we get back?"
"Sadly, this ship wasn't designed to escape an
earth-like planet's gravity," Nike responded.
A grave moment of silence followed. Horatio chanted a
verse of scripture from memory, "The force of gravity
between two bodies shall be proportional to the
product of their masses and weaken with the distance
squared. And the force shall be attractive and
directed along a straight line between the bodies. And
this shall be Newton�s law of gravity."
Percy nearly choked on his coffee. "What was that?"
"The words of Prophet Benalidino."
"Oh man! Where have we landed?" Arkady wondered out
"Show us the map, Bailey." He punched a few keys on
the computer and the machinery in front of Nike's
command console projected a three dimensional hologram
depicting the surrounding landscape. A model of the
lifeboat hovered in the center, high above the
terrain. Bailey had combined the data from the radar,
infrared and visual light sensors to create a
composite map.
"The yellow areas," Bailey explained, "are areas of
heat and visible light. The red areas are emitting
heat only."
"What can you tell us about this place, Horatio?" Nike
Horatio unfastened himself from his seat and
approached the projection. He stared at it in
bewilderment. Nike explained to him that it was a map
of the surrounding desert and mountains and that they
had flown into the sky to get a better view. "I see.
We are seeing through the bird's eyes? This is the
dune sea. These are the mountains in which we live."
He pointed at the model in the middle, "The bird can
see itself? Galt's blood! Did we really fly that
Nike nodded, "Yes. It can fly even higher than that,
too. What are these lights? Are they cities?"
Horatio pointed to the yellow lights in the far north,
"This is where Eden is." He pointed to the other
lights, "This is where Sigai is, and Amann, Lachish,
Gexer, Farra, Gerax, Bethany, Gabath, Mirsai, Gibeon,
Gadara, Debir, Geba, Adaxa, Bodeda, Qumran, Taanack,
Abraxa, Migai, Endor, Megiddo, Chorazin and Gibbon.
There are more cities in this direction," he said
pointing north. "But, something is wrong." Horatio
pointed at the yellow light at Sigai. "There should
never be any light outdoors after sundown."
"Why is that?" Chelydra asked.
"The Spragni do not want to be seen at night by the
creatures that roam the dunes."
"Do the sandstars, I mean Sikalas, attack your people
at night?" Arkady asked.
"The Sikalas rarely ever leave the sand. No, there are
much worse things to fear in the desert. Demons dwell
there. Monsters that can take any shape they wish.
They can swallow a man whole or rob him of his
"Then why are all these other cities lit up?" Nike
"My tribe, the Hithari, are well defended at Eden. The
demons are powerless against them. These cities,
however, are Rota colonies." Horatio indicated the
cities on the eastern side of the mountains: Endor,
Megiddo, Chorazin and Gibbon. "They are blasphemers.
They are tempted by the demons. They seek them out,
hoping to steal their power."
end transmission

Elizabeth 12/16/2005
Irsa looks thoughtful. "I was being chased by a Chomper beast down a corridor.
I'd gotten ahead of it and met Becka who showed me an escape hatch we could use
to ditch the Chomper. Then we pressed something and ended up on the planet's surface."
Irsa says.
supreme_arbiter 12/16/2005
I'd like to change a paragraph in my last post. In
response to Nike's question, "What do you call your
religion?" Horatio responded thusly:
Horatio looked puzzled. "We do not call it anything.
We worship John Galt like everyone else. Why should it
have a name? There is no other religion."
To clarify, no one complained or anything like that. I
just don't want to 'go there'. Any similarity between
Horatio's religion (it really doesn't have a name,
feel free to make one up 8) and Christianity is purely
coincidental :)
A further clarification: Pandora helped Nike to
configure the ship for its new crew while the rest of
the party was otherwise occupied in chapter 16. It
stopped functioning at the end of chapter 17.
gglassdr 12/21/2005
THX-1492 examines the motley crew assembled around the cockpit. It
had assumed that Arkady was the leader of the group, but
unfortunately, there seemed to be no one of command rank to divulge
its information. Perhaps an officer was here but in camouflage?
"This unit requires command level authentication to divulge
information concerning origins and purpose. Do any crew present
aboard ship possess such authority?"
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 12/21/2005
With a puzzled look on his face, Caleb says to the
robot, "Ship's Security Officer Caleb Latrans, Command
Authorization Code C89055555A674543345 requests you
divulge information concerning origins and purpose."
"Now where did that information come from?" Caleb
wonders to himself.......
gglassdr 12/24/2005
Merry Christmas Met Alpha Clones! I've been trying to collect
Metamorphosis Alpha or "Generation Ship" type novels science fiction
novels. I've got the following:
- "Rendezvous with Rama" --Arthur C Clarke
- "Non-Stop" --Brian Aldiss
- "Orphans of the Sky" --Robert Heinlein
- "Rogue Ship" --A.E.van Vogt
- "Phoenix Without Ashes" --Harlan Ellison
- "Captive Universe" --Harry Harrison
- "The Galactic Whirlpool" --David Gerrold (Star Trek)
- "Ship of Fools" --Richard Paul Russo
Does anyone have other suggestions for MetAlpha reading?
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 12/24/2005
"Non-Stop" --Brian Aldiss
Is the same book as "Starship"; also by Brian Aldiss?
gglassdr 12/24/2005
Yes, it was published with a different title across the atlantic.
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 12/27/2005
Thanks, I thought it might be. They have recently
re-released the book over here with the orginal
British title and text restored. I saw it in a store
recently and thought about picking it up...
supreme_arbiter 12/28/2005
I greatly enjoyed "Non-Stop" (aka "Starship") by Brian
Aldiss. Besides the obvious, "OMG they're actually
living on a ship!" this book manages to pack a *bunch*
of surprises! I've read there is another version
besides the British/American versions. He reworked the
text many years after it was first published (in the
1960s I think.) I think the ending was modified but
essentially remained the same. He also added computers
to the ship: there's no mention of them in the
original text.
Does anyone have other suggestions
for MetAlpha reading?
This book is on my list to read:
"Litany of the Long Sun: Nightside, the Long Sun and
Lake of the Long Sun"
It was written by Gene Wolfe. He wrote a whole series
of books about a generation ship, but I'm going to
start with this one. I've heard fantastic things about
gglassdr 12/31/2005
Hearing the proper command authorization code, THX-1492 divulges its
"This unit is THX mark III engineering Veribot numerical designation
one four nine two constructed year 2284 & assigned Warden. Colony
ship exits Sol System 2290. Colonization ship Warden arrived 82
Eridani year 2336. Partial telemetry decoded by mainframe Eridani
core systems computers verify fatal system corruption of Warden main
systems due to radiation destruction year 2303. Warden senior
officers Captain Jamar, First Lieutenant Matahachi landed on 82
Eridani in dropship to acquire rescue technology. This unit
accompained Warden officers aboard dropship and taken to Eridani
central planetary core system where it received download of
programming to repair/reboot Warden central core programming. While
officers Jamar and Matahachi on planet's surface, Warden left orbit
on course Rho Cancri. Captain Jamar, First Lt Matahachi, this unit
THX-1492, several Warden crew, & Eridani volunteers retrofitted UWSC
colony ship Alexandria with priority emergency orders to rescue
colony ship Warden. Crew placed in cryogenic suspension.
"Upon arrival 52 light years Rho Cancri, colony ship Warden not
present. Whereabouts unknown. Alexandria crew landed Rho Cancri for
resupply to continue Warden search. Crew found and explored ancient
ruins. This unit successfully installed programming of archaeology
bot processors to explore ruins. This unit then returned to dropship
for energization of batteries and deactivated.
"Upon reactivation, this unit experienced extreme distortions in
space-time continuum causing damage to internal chronometer. All
other internal systems nominal. Current year unknown. Alexandria
dropship demonstrated severe aging with evidence crew death and
battle scarring of dropship. Explainations unknown. This unit took
skycar from dropship to Warden dropship to meet current crew.
"This unit's priority programming mandates immediate transportation
to Warden colonization ship. Upon arrival, this unit will identify
and repair corrupted robotic, computer, and cybernetic mainframe
installation programming aboard Warden. Resistance from corrupted
biologic, mechanical, or cybernetic units aboard Warden will not be
allowed to compromise Priority Mission.
"Status Addendum:
"In year 2342, en route to planet Rho Cancri, Alexandria receives
Priority One orders in narrow band frequency from Sol System routed
through 82 Eridani. Captain Jamar acknowledges message upon awakening
from cryogenic suspension in year 2603 upon arrival at Rho Cancri:
[At this point, THX-1492's robotic modulated voice is replaced by a
recorded female voice from the distant past.]
"Priority Code Alpha-Omega: Gold Channel signal origin --000 Earth
system-- destination--**All Terran Colonies***--
............Repeat...........Priority Code Alpha-Omega: Gold
Channel.................All Units.............All ships...........All
colonies..........Home planet Earth and all Sol System Colonies
decimated by massive asteroid strikes during year 2322. Earth and Sol
colony survivors have been unable to prevent the Great Dying in
succeeding eleven years. Priority ONE order from UWSC Premier
Toranaga: All Terran colony ships are to be retrieved for purpose of
ensuring survival of human race. All military units to defend colony
ships at all costs. All colonies to put maximum efforts into
population breeding. All robotic and cybernetic units to prioritize
protection of reproducing human females and offspring at all costs.
All other considerations deemed irrelevant by order of surviving UWSC
[Up until this time, the female voice was strong and determined. Now
her voice wavers and breaks into despair.]
"To anyone who is out there listening..................This will be
the last message from Earth................ We've used the last of
our power to transmit this message. There's no more food. Not much
can grow here anymore, not through the clouds and the cold.
Asteroid's Winter has made sure of that. The few of us that are left
are too weak and tired to fight anymore. At least that's a good
thing. After the asteroids hit, the UWSC government fairly fell apart
and then the Food Wars started. Yeah, that helped things a lot!
(laughs hysterically)...................
"Then Toranaga took over three years ago. He said the human race was
dying and drastic action was necessary. The food that was left was
given to childbearing women and the children. The elderly, the
sickly, the disabled, and those carrying genetic mutations were
starved. Anyone who disagreed or who refused to allow impregnation
was shot. As horrible as that was, none of the rest of us cared. We
let him do it. At least we weren't so hungry anymore. But then the
babies started dying. They think something was put in the water.
RumorNet said some starving scientist bent on revenge did it. Who
knows? It doesn't matter anymore. Then all the miscarriages began. I
lost my baby last month (uncontrollable sobbing.......................
"(she pulls herself together)............Please take care of
yourselves........... Save who you can.................
Please.................... for the babies..............the
babies............................the babies...................
-----------------(a gunshot is heard then radio static)---------------
[THX-1492 voice returns]. "No further transmissions were received by
Alexandria crew or this unit from Sol colonies since that date."
End Status Report
gammaben 1/1/2006
[[OOC: HOLY CRAP!!! Dang, George, that was awesome! How long you been holding that secret? ]]
[[Percy]] Percy was at a loss for coherent words as he stared at THX-1492, his hands gripping the
coffee mug tightly. He tried to process all the information and blurted out several things to reply
chronologically to each of the "whoa-points" the robot had reported.
"You guys tried to save us. You launched the Alex to rescue Warden but you arrived at this planet
hundreds of years before we did. Whoa."
Percy let that sink in a for just a microsecond and spoke again: "You experienced distortions in the
space-time continuum? Whoa." He didn't pause at all (if one could consider a microsecond a pause)
for his next reaction.
"The Sol system is destroyed?! Frak!!" He sank into a chair and said blankly, "Pardon my French, captain."
[[Nike]] Nike spoke slowly, as if staring into a black hole from which her thoughts would not escape.
Her tightly controlled emotions betrayed no sign yet of her reaction. "Apology accepted, and
permission granted to further vituperate as needed, Mister Jenkins."
[[Percy]] "Thanks." " FRAK!!" Percy thought he only had the Warden to save.
No small task, but he had almost fooled himself into thinking he could do it. With the others' help,
of course. And assuming they could get Pandora back to Warden. And avoid, or defeat the
Watcher and his crazy bots. And restore command and navigation access. And fire up the
engines without the help of a second class propulsion engineer. All trivialities he had pondered
silently, encapsulating them into a "burn that bridge when we get to it" box. But saving the human
race from extinction was going to be hard for this computer programming technical trainer.
"If only I could remember more, I might be of more use." Percy said later after everyone had a
chance to react to the news. He remembered the mutiny, somehow. He must have updated his
original cloning profile with a new memory engram if he remembered it. What else did the
original him try to download into the clone banks on the off chance he would actually be cloned,
and make use of it? He started to get paranoid that he might actually hold some secret to the
Warden's survival--nevermind that THX-1492 seemed to have all the programs needed to
save her--but he couldn't remember it.
gammaben 1/1/2006
I'd like to stay up and make the first post of 2006 (at least as far
as this club's timezone is concerned) but that would just be
antisocial. Captain Nike and our oldest clone (of sorts) are
downstairs probably wondering what I'm doing up here. Gotta go catch
the Atlanta peach and NYC apple drop (split screen as they usually do
here in Atlanta)!
I'm still reeling from that last post by THX-1492. Wow! Happy new year!
supreme_arbiter 1/1/2006
[GammaBen] Dang, George, that was awesome!
Truly :D
How long you been holding that secret?
If I may, since the beginning... but it was never really necessary
during the whole 'Down the Rabbit Hole' chapter. 'Whispers From the
Past' was purely George's invention, and truly well done G! :)
Nice Nike touch too, GB.
[Percy] The Sol system is destroyed?! Frak!!
From Horatio, the crew had already learned the Earth was
destroyed "by fire". Now they also know the Earth's entire star
system has been wiped out, or there was no longer any life there
capable of interstellar communication.
Reactions to this news aside, the next task for our heros is a
decision on what route to take next. There's a world out there to
explore, or not :)
Lisa (mogwai) 1/2/2006
[OOC - Apologies once again for my tardiness. Happy New year
everyone. Perhaps my resolution this year should be to be better at
keeping up on my PBP posts!]
Becka listens to the group's stories, following as best she can
inspite numerous unfamiliar words and the other voices that only she
can hear. When Irsa finishes her introduction, Becka nervously
describes her own story.
"It was that Watcher thing that was attacking my home on Warden! I
was just coming back from some lower decks, and everything was going
crazy. People were screaming and there was fire in the dwellings.
And then there was that machine-monsters. That's what I was running
from when I met Irsa. Or ran into Irsa. Nearly knocked me down. But
you know, I'm bigger than her. Then we hid in a lift. Well... I
thought it was a lift... guess I was wrong about that."
She finishes with a shy shrug, "So here I am."
After that she falls quiet. The report by THX-1492 proves to be more
than she can follow and she is soon distracted by the flashing
consoles surrounding her. "Auxiliary Power Units"
She curiously runs her hand over buttons and indicators on the
nearest panel. Unconciously, her mind begins to process the
information, deciphering the meaning and purpose of the instruments.
The flow of information rushes faster and faster, and before she can
think to do anything, the damn breaks and the flow becomes a raging
torrent. Images, voices, and emotions from past, present and future
overwelm her until eventually it becomes too much for her to handle
and her conciousness fails.
Just as the discussion among the other crew members is drawing to a
close, Percy is taken by surprise as the small figure of the girl
next to him suddenly slumps limply into his side.
[Arbiter, i may need some assistance on what exactly may come from
her precog episode]
OOC - I came across this article
and thought I would share it. Its about some real-life freakish mutations. One in which the genes from
a cactus were transfered into the cells of a Russian girl's hand by a thorn pricks!
gglassdr 1/2/2006
Seeing the stunned reactions to its information, THX-1492 slowly looked at all those present in the control cabin. Then it looks at Caleb.
"Security Officer Caleb Latrans, as you know, Gold Channel Priority Alpha-Omega orders cannot be countermanded or altered in any way.
This ship and all aboard must make all efforts to reacquire the Warden, reboot central core systems, and begin repopulation of the human species."
Then it looked at Nike, Amanda, and Becka specifically.
"Gold Channel Priority Alpha-Omega orders mandate repopulation of human species and protection of reproductive females at all costs.
What are your plans for impregnation?"
(OOC: thanks for the nice comments! the story basically wrote itself. My sons and I were watching the season one DVD of the new
Battlestar Galactica that I got for christmas (an excellent show btw!), and was struck when they were talking about how they lost the
war and had to escape extermination to start making babies. That gave me the idea. Plus post-apocalyptic fiction is my favorite genre of sci fi!
There could still be people left alive on the Earth!
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 1/2/2006
"Security Officer Caleb Latrans, as you know, Gold
Channel Priority Alpha-Omega orders cannot be countermanded or
altered in any way. This ship and all aboard must make all efforts to reacquire the
Warden, reboot central core systems, and begin repopulation of the human species."
Caleb nods and says "True, we must do everything in
our power to repair the Warden. Do we know how to get
back to the ship?"
"Gold Channel Priority Alpha-Omega orders mandate
repopulation of human species and protection of reproductive females at
all costs. What are your plans for impregnation?"
Caleb grins at the three women. "Yes, what are your
plans for impregnation, ladies?"
(OOC: thanks for the nice comments! the story
basically wrote itself. My sons and I were watching the season one DVD of the
new Battlestar Galactica that I got for christmas (an excellent show btw!)
Yes, it is! I just recently got into it myself. A
friend gave me a copy of Season 1 in early Dec. and I
ran out and bought Season 2 for myself for Christmas :)
BTW, for those of you who haven't checked Paul's
website lately, there is now a great picture of
Security Officer Caleb La Trans posted there.
publius1024 1/2/2006
"Do we know how to get back
to the ship?" Caleb asked.
"Presuming we have access to the necessary compiler
schemas, it would take about 9 months to mine,
construct and assemble a launch platform and
boosters," Arkady replied.
"If we had control of a ship already in orbit with a
beanstalk, an elevator base would take only a few
weeks," Bailey suggested.
Caleb grinned, "Yes, what are your
plans for impregnation, ladies?"
"Whoa," Arkady laughed! "Maybe we can find 'A Boy and
His Dog' on the Omega Box over breakfast?"
Elizabeth 1/3/2006
Irsa looks stunned. This starship Warden is the human's last chance at survival, thinks Irsa.
What about the rest of us? Were we just accidents that happened or was there a reason for
our existance, like maybe to help the humans? Irsa looks at the others and realizes she's not
the only one to find this report both incredible and very scary. She needs to think about this
news which turns simple survival into a quest to restore the Warden.
Elizabeth 1/3/2006
"Any ideas on what we do now?" Irsa asks a little shakily.
publius1024 1/4/2006
Chapter 31 - Fabric Eating Monsters
Three new characters are introduced: Caleb, Becka and Irsa.
They encounter tentacled monsters and the robot THX-1492.
The crew of the lifeboat return from their test flight
...and have a little target practice with their new weapons!
BTW editing these narratives is a lot of fun for me and good practice.
I've tried wherever possible to leave dialog untouched to retain each
character's distinctive voice. However, I cut a lot of narration for
the sake of flow. I also add text where I think things might have been
unclear. All of this applies to Chapter 31, plus I added a few new images.
supreme_arbiter 1/4/2006
While he spoke, THX transmitted data to the ship's
computer. Another map appeared in the holoprojector:

OOC: Here's a map of THX's journey from the excavation
to the lifeboat. It's a rather long map so you'll
probably have to use the expand button if you're using
IE to be able to read the text on the map.
Becka - I'm still thinking about the content of her
vision. I'll post something this weekend.
supreme_arbiter 1/4/2006
I came across this article
and thought I would share it. Its about some real-life
freakish mutations. One in which the
genes from a cactus were transfered into
the cells of a Russian girl's hand by a thorn pricks!
This was so bizarre I thought it might be a hoax. A
google search revealed the exact same text has
appeared in several other regional newspapers. Armenia
isn't too far from Chernobyl in Belarus...
mikejohnson_lordofdance 1/4/2006
Bud listens and ponders, sucking down coffee if available.
-Humanity was pretty well spread in the home system...ALL of Sol system was taken out by asteroids?...mmm.
His life of counterinsurgency predisposes thought toward conspiracy; the scope of this disaster lends itself to directed action.
-His thoughts immediately switch to Terra's colonies: Tau Ceti, Ophiuchi & Eridani... multiple efforts had been launched even
before Warden. If someone/thing has it out for homosapiens, they might have struck again...conversely, we might have already
struck back, our intel seems a little out of date.
"THX-1492, orders concerning human reproduction capabilities are incomplete. Functional cloning technology aboard
Warden has greatly enhanced reproductive capabilities of local gene pool." His mind racing, "Ruins? What did your
archaelogy turn up regarding previous inhabitants?" questions racing- "Where is the Alexandria now? And what's up
with time/space distortions?"
[To all] "I think we should have a little look at the other dropship, salvage what we can and see where that gets us.
As for connecting with the Warden...I don't think we've seen much of this planet yet, and somebody probably has
a few toys that could speed our overall agenda(s)."
In the back of his mind, Bud also has a queezy feeling about how easily he's accepting the whole mutant menagerie...
Triton & Earth are gone, he's been frozen for centuries, Warden is whacko and this colony has gone wild, so be it.
But hampsters have always given him the willies.
Elizabeth 1/4/2006
The original name of Irsa's species is hamster. And rats are much scarier looking.
gglassdr 1/4/2006
This was so bizarre
I thought it might be a hoax. A google search revealed the exact same text has
appeared in several other regional newspapers. Armenia
isn't too far from Chernobyl in Belarus...
The really odd "twilight zone" part about this story is that my character in the Gamma World yahoo
rpg's is a mutated plantman named "Kaktuss"!
mauriciopeal 1/5/2006
Hi! I joined the group months ago and finally decided to roll a
character. I just need to know if there's something I need to go
before creating its background.
supreme_arbiter 1/5/2006
Here are the new character guidelines.
Email me off list with the type of character you want
to play and I'll give you a better idea of how
he/she/it can fit into the current situation/background.
supreme_arbiter 1/8/2006
Becka listened to THX's story, following as best she
could despite numerous unfamiliar words and the other
voices that only she could hear. She was distracted by
the flashing consoles surrounding her: 'Auxiliary
Power Units'. She curiously ran her hand over buttons
and indicators on the nearest panel. Unconsciously,
her mind began processing the information, deciphering
the purpose of the instruments and the meaning of the
robot's words.
The flow of information rushed faster and faster.
Before she could think to do anything, the dam broke
and the flow became a raging torrent. Images, voices,
and emotions from the past, present and future
overwelmed her. She surprised Percy when she suddenly
slumped limply into his side.
Becka saw a jungle. Many strange creatures she'd never
seen before flew through the sky, leapt between
branches and crawled along the dark jungle floor. In a
clearing suurounded by the dense, sprawling jungle,
there were pits and trenches exposing stony ruins. A
red movement machine hovered out of one of the ruins
and up into the clearing. It sped off into the sky and
vanished over the horizon.
At the edge of the clearing a movement machine lay
beneath the weight of several trees. It looked like
the lifeboat, but was even bigger. It was very old and
Becka's vision faded. When it returned she was in a
dark hall filled with dust and broken pipes. Somehow
she knew she was close to the place she had just been.
Among the pipes and detritus, a long dead corpse laid
still. It was wearing some sort of machinery on its
chest, arms and legs.
She bent closer to the dead body. The patch on his
chest was faded, but she could still read the word

OOC: I won't necessarily do this for each precog
vision, but you can 'ask one question' of this vision,
i.e. examine one thing closer.
supreme_arbiter 1/11/2006
In case I haven't mentioned this before, there's now an official MA
website with a lively Forum. Forum discussions cover the new fourth
edition, MA related books, movies and TV shows, MA adventures, etc.
James Ward himself is a frequent contributer! The site is:
In IAS news, I've been thinking about Bud's recent post. I think it
requires a response, one which I'll hopefully write over this weekend.
supreme_arbiter 1/11/2006
The first IAS campaign post was made five years ago today!
Happy Fifth B'Day IAS!
(no periods were harmed in the making of this post)
mikejohnson_lordofdance 1/11/2006
5 Years, YEEHAW!
(happy birthday IAS)
supreme_arbiter 1/15/2006
IAS Turn 1.9
[BUD] "Ruins? What did your archaelogy turn up
regarding previous inhabitants?"
[THX-1492] "I do not know. I was activated on the
expedition after the general purpose robots exposed
three large, rectangular buildings made of basalt.
After I reprogrammed them for archeological work, I
shutdown. I rebooted again and everything had changed.
I never saw the artifacts that were retrieved."
[BUD] "Where is the Alexandria now? And what's up with
time/space distortions?"
[THX-1492] "I do not know where the Alexandria is. I
do not know how long I have been shutdown. Perhaps the
Alexandria is still in orbit. The time/space
distortions are also unknown. These are images of what
I saw in and around the dropship at the excavation."
Images began to play on the holoprojector. First they
saw a half naked man wielding a metal pipe like a
club. He swung it toward the camera in slow motion.
The pipe struck THX's tentacle and broke apart like a
gas or a cloud. A fraction of a second later, the
point of contact burst into bright white light. The
light spread quickly to the rest of the human's body.
The transformation continued from his feet to the
ground and soon eclipsed everything except the sky.
Then the light gradually faded to reveal an overgrown
excavation, jungle and a decrepit dropship. Next they
saw a broken door, permanently open, in a corridor
inside the dropship. Suddenly, the corridor burst into
bright white light. The camera switched to infrared
and displayed the door now closed; the entire corridor
was evenly heated slightly above room temperature. The
camera switched back to visible light. The corridor
was now spotless. The door opened and a man stepped
through. On his chest was a patch that read 'Matahachi'.
"Hello THX, is everything ok?" Matahachi asked. "We
don't have any scheduled software updates, or much of
anything else for you to do here for the time being."
"Lt. Matahachi, this unit has just experienced
spatial-time disorientation. Can you describe current
status of ship and crew?"
"Time disorientation? That's curious, isn't it?"
Matahachi asked in return, but there was no reply.
"The engines are not working," he continued. "The
dropship is grounded and the crew are all gone.
There's a new mission. I am here to supply you with
new software and a new piece of hardware."
"This unit is ready to access new orders and
instrumentation, Lieutenant."
"Ok," Matahachi replied. "I need you to shutdown. Do
you have any final questions?"
"Negative, Officer Matahachi."
"Very well. THX-1492, Please shutdown. I hope to see
you again very soon. Until then, pleasant dreams,"
Matahachi smiled affectionately.
The image faded. "These are the orders I received from
Lieutenant Matahachi." THX transmitted the readme file
to the ship's computer. It displayed on the monitor in
front of Nike. She sat down to read it.
The UWSC CS Warden has arrived in orbit. Some of her
crew are landing and require your assistance. I will
transmit their location to you on a frequency
bookmarked in your radio as 'Warden Crew'. I will
continuously transmit their location until you make
contact. If their location changes, my transmission
will be updated. Their projected landing site is
significantly far from your current position, so you
will need a vehicle. Nearby you will find several
aircars in fine working order and sufficiently fueled.
Their location is marked on your GPS.
Trust your instincts and good luck.
[BUD] "I think we should have a little look at the
other dropship, salvage what we can and see where that gets us.
As for connecting with the Warden...
"We could reach the excavation in THX's map with this
ship," Amanda suggested, "but we'd have to make at
least two stops on the way there for refueling.
Hopefully we can make our own fuel."
"I saw an HE3 miner in the engineering room," Bailey
said. "We can use that to get fuel from water, but
it'll take maybe two or three days to fill up."
"Or we could refuel THX's aircar and take that to the
dropship. How long did it take you to get here,"
Arkady asked.
"Four hours and 25 minutes."