Chapter 30 (Original Archive)
supreme_arbiter 5/22/2005
"Pandora, are you with us?" she said,
fastening her belt.
The room was silent. She hadn't heard the ship's
computer speak since before the crash.
In the mess hall, Bailey looked out the window. It was
very dark outside. "Some daycycle," he said then
yawned. I hope I get some sleep soon too."
Nike entered the room. Percy, Arkady, Bud and Bailey
had already arrived. At last, all the ship's occupants
were together: Horatio and his students, the clones
and the two recently thawed Warden crewmates.
supreme_arbiter 5/22/2005
turn 15.5 - Dropship Death
THX-1492 moved past the corpse and continued to
examine the dropship in visual mode. It glanced into
the communications room and paused for a moment to
examine the remains of the transmitters, receivers and
other gear. They all seemed to have been deliberately
smashed. Some were missing; others were left in pieces
on the floor.
The forward cockpit was no different except the
vegetation had gotten inside and torn apart the seats,
computers, gauges and everything else they could grow
into. The dropship's windows were all broken and
smashed. In some cases, giant roots had grown in
around the windows and crushed the frames; in others
the roots completely filled the window's space. Narrow
beams of light traced the interior of the cabin.
gammaben 6/2/2005
Percy sat at a computer terminal, silently writing Post-It notes and
sticking them around the monitor. "You're gonna run out of those.
They're probably antiques now," he said as [Arkady] gave Percy the
"Alright: chow, baby!" the droopy-eyed technically oriented Warden
crewman cheered.
"Ciao, baby? I just got here, don't say goodbye already!" The pilot's
humor was dry; it matched the air of the planet they'd landed on.
"Ha ha!" Percy scarfed down the food. "Everything on Warden is an
antique," he said, barely intelligible with a mouth full. "We'll just go
back and get some more if I run out." He stopped chewing, thought about
what he'd just said a moment, and started chewing again, this time more
slowly. "Do you think we'll ever go back to Warden? Or was this a
one-way trip?" It was more rhetorical than anything. But he wasn't
ready to give up on Warden. "I know, I know, first things first, save
this ship, then save the mothership. Right."
After several minutes the sound of Terminus' tap-ta-tap-tapping
began again. It gradually got louder. Soon the robot emerged from
the depths of the reactor. "Reactor repairs... Complete," it
intoned. "Please test, warm engines..."
Arkady looked at the clock on Percy's computer screen. Five hours
had passed since Nike had told them she was taking a nap. "Radio on.
Nike, this is your wake up call. Are you awake? It's me, Arkady. The
reactor repairs are complete and we're ready to test the engines. If
we can lift the ship and set it down on level ground, we should
consider moving our guests to the cockpit where they'll be safely
seated and we can keep an eye on them."
Percy nodded his head approvingly. He smiled at the surround sound
broadcast he was receiving. "I wonder if we can send just a one-way
transmission. You know I love hearing you talk in my head, but what if
you wanted to whisper sweet nothings or something?" Percy was oblivious
to Arkady's feelings; it was just an example. So he didn't wait for any
kind of reaction from Arkady as he wasn't expecting any.
[Amanda] "Ah, hi folks. I
just woke up a few minutes ago. Any word on our plans for the
[Nike] "Roger that," Nike said, her mind swiftly coming to an alert
state. "Meet you in the mess in five minutes to discuss ship
Percy swallowed a bite, then waved to Arkady to get his attention. "I'll
meet you in the chow room in a bit, Arkady. I'm going to query something
on the computer first." After Arkady departed for the mess hall, Percy
asked the computer for full instructions on how to use their built-in
radios, including one-way transmissions, any kind of off-switch, the
whole schematic.
Nike entered the room. Percy, Arkady, Bud and Bailey
had already arrived. At last, all the ship's occupants
were together: Horatio and his students, the clones
and the two recently thawed Warden crewmates.
"Thank you all for coming. First item on the agenda," Percy said before
anyone else could take control of the conversation, "is radios!"
[OOC: Percy explains what he learned from the ship's computer about the
radios, assuming he had discovered anything. He also plans to order up
at least one new one for Horatio if not his students, too. Otherwise, he
just smiles and re-introduces himself without too much distraction.]
publius1024 6/3/2005
"Do you think we'll ever go back to Warden?
Or was this a one-way trip?"
"I sure hope so," Arkady replied.
"I wonder if we can send just a one-way
transmission. You know I love hearing you talk in
my head, but what if
you wanted to whisper sweet nothings or something?"
Arkady just smiled. He naturally assumed Percy's
comment was directed over the comm device to Nike or
supreme_arbiter 6/7/2005
"Thank you all for coming. First item on the agenda," Percy said
before anyone else could take control of the conversation, "is
Horatio, the students, the clones, Bud and Bailey all gave Percy
their attention.
"I got a lot of information about them from the computers, they're
very informative! At first I was unable to find anything about the
comm devices directly since I didn't really know what they were. But
then I had more luck by searching for the command words. The
interface was..."
Nike coughed politely.
"Oh, sorry. Well, anyways, there are several commands. You can tell
it 'radio receive off' to stop getting messages so you can get some
sleep while everyone else has a chat fest; then you can say 'radio
receive on' to get messages again. You can also say 'radio', uh...
nevermind," he said waving his hands. "'Cancel'. I don't want to
trigger anything just by explaining them." He got out his Post-It
Notes and began writing commands on a single sheet.
He wrote 'radio receive on', 'radio receive off',
then 'Cancel'. "Cancel aborts a command." Next he wrote 'radio
[NAMES] [priority] on'. "This sends messages only to a specified
name, names, groups or any combination. If no names are given, it
sends messages to everyone. If you say 'priority', the message will
override everyone who has 'receive' turned off so you can wake
someone up in an emergency."
'Radio [NAMES] off'. "This stops transmitting to a specified name,
names, groups or whatever. If no names are given, it stops sending
messages to everyone."
'Radio appellation NEW-NAME terminate'. "This sets a user's name."
'Radio group NAMES terminate'. "This creates a group of names so you
don't have to specify a long list."
Percy scratched his head for a moment. "There were some other
commands, but I've forgotten them already. There was a command, for
instance, for changing the keywords, so in case you don't want to
use the word 'radio', um..." He paused and considered how his next
words would be interpreted by the comm device. "Cancel. We can
change the 'R' word to anything we want." Percy handed the Post-It
to Nike. "The uppercase words are variables, the lowercase words are
literals and words in square brackets are optional," he explained
"Oh, and one other thing. I learned these systems were surgically
embedded, probably before we were, um, born." Percy looked at
Horatio who was hanging on his every word. He wondered how much he
understood and if they should order up at least one new external
comm device for Horatio if not for his students too. "The internal
devices," he continued, "were restricted to the Alpha Sequence
Project and high ranking security officers."
With wide eyes, David spoke softly to Horatio beside him. "Fallen
ones are like a mystery."
"Verily," he replied.
"Radio appellation Arkady terminate," Arkady said experimentally.
OOC: I finally updated the IAS archive with the current posts. I was
behind by nearly a month, sorry.
stacinator 6/10/2005
[OOC] P--Nike and Percy's players will be out of town until next
weekend... so if there isn't a new post by them then, it's not for
lack of enthusiasm! ;)
gglassdr 6/10/2005
THX-1492 concludes that the dropship was crashlanded on this planet
long ago. A battle must have been fought on this little ship which
either caused the crash or resulted from the crash.
If it were human, the engineerbot might have deduced from his recent
experience that its recent dimensional travel might occur again. And
it might consider that such a dimensional occurrance might occur
within this dropship.
But THX-1492 was not human. It was entirely mechanical, and its
circuits demanded logic. Without further information, nothing further
could be deduced from the doomed dropship.
The robot exited the dropship, up the narrow path to re-explore the
surroundings of the ancient temple.
supreme_arbiter 6/12/2005
Thanks for the notice Nike/Percy - enjoy the timeoff
If it were human, the engineerbot might have deduced
from his recent experience that its recent
dimensional travel might occur again. And
it might consider that such a dimensional occurrance
might occur within this dropship.
OOC: LoL, good guess G :)
THX left the cockpit and headed down the hall toward
the exit. It neared a door in the corridor through
which it had come after passing the corpse. The door,
broken and useless, was permanently open. THX flashed
its spotlights around to illuminate the path before it.
Suddenly, the corridor burst into bright white light
that overwhelmed its sensors. THX quickly switched to
infrared vision. The entire corridor glowed with an
even, consistent warmth. The door in front of it, as
well as the doors to the communications room and
cockpit were all closed and also glowed with the same
THX switched back to the visible spectrum. The
corridor looked just as THX remembered it: the walls
and floors were spotless. The lights in the ceiling
glowed brightly. Just then the door in front of THX
opened and there stood a man that THX immediately
recognized as First Lieutenant Ken Matahachi, formerly
of the Warden.
"Hello THX, is everything ok? We don't have any
scheduled software updates, or much of anything else
for you to do here for the time being."
supreme_arbiter 6/17/2005
OOC: [This message applies to everyone except THX-1492] The
characters have reached a crossroads. The ship's engines are ready
to be fired up and the players/characters must determine where to go
next. There's a big planet outside the lifeboat to explore, but the
characters know very little about it. I thought a little recap might
be helpful, so I've included below what the crew has learned about
the planet they are on [BTW there's bread, dried fruits and meats
courtesy Horatio's students for the crew to eat since there's
nothing else in the galley :)
[known by everyone:]
"We've been chatting a little," Bailey said over the radio. "They're
training to be priests of some sort. When we press them for details,
they start spewing words like living light, the word of Galt,
scriptural exegesis, miskatonicalogical mumbo jumbo and a bunch of
stuff I can't understand. They said one thing that seemed odd: they
said they were too old to be priests in Eden. They also described
their home. Sigai sounds like a small but well protected farming
community in the hills nearby."
[known by Chel, Bud, Ark and Bailey:]
the students talked about the Sigai and their families. They also
spoke of Eden. None had yet been there but they all hoped to one day
make the pilgrimage
[known only by Nike:]
Nike asked, "Can you refresh my memory on how your people came to be
on this planet?"
Horatio looked confused for a moment. "Well... Long ago, our people
lived in a great city called Earth, but Earth was a wicked place and
doomed. They left Earth and settled in a place called Eridani. One
day, a great metal bird called Warden arrived. She, too, was from
Earth. When Earth was swallowed by fire, she carried a great many
people away. But Warden had been badly injured by the poisonous
clouds that arose from the city. Many of her passengers were sick
and dying, but Warden mysteriously flew away into the wasteland
before they could join us.
"Our ancestors took a solemn vow to save Warden, or die trying. They
followed her for many years, but somehow lost her trail. They
arrived at an oasis in the wilderness where they expected Warden
would eventually arrive. The place was called Cancer. They waited
and searched the skies, but she didn't come.
"Then one day, a demon appeared from the wilderness. He looked and
spoke like a man, but our ancestors were not fooled. For six days,
the demon tried to convince them to abandon Warden. He tempted them
with gold, treasures and worldly pleasures. Each night he returned
unsatisfied to the wilderness. On the seventh day, the demon
attacked their camp. When they fought back, the demon revealed
itself. He had the body of a man and the head of a wild beast, like
a dog or a wild pig. He was terrifying to witness, but he was no
match for our ancestors and they destroyed him.
"That night, an amazing thing happened. Everyone shared the same
dream. Each ascended toward a bright light. There they found
themselves surrounded by family and friends. They were told they had
won a glorious victory and would be rewarded. When they awoke from
the dream, they were in a beautiful garden filled with plants and
animals. They settled there and called the place Eden."
"Eden is surrounded by desert," Horatio continued. "In vain, we
sought a way past it. Our people grew and formed new villages, like
the Oasis at Sigai where we are from, but we are still surrounded by
sand. We dream of finding Warden one day." [...]
Nike: "Do you have anything in Eden like a library, a place with
records, books, or histories?"
"Oh yes," Horatio's eyes sparkled. "At the seminary in Eden, there
are many books: histories, documents, maps, scriptures, all precious
and rare. They are jealously guarded, but the priests will probably
let you see them. They'll be eager to talk to you."
gglassdr 6/17/2005
THX-1492 asks, "Lt. Matahachi, this unit has just experienced spacial-
time disorientation. Can you describe current status of ship and
mikejohnson_lordofdance 6/18/2005
Belches quietly after a few fistfulls of dried fruit and chunks of bread.
(to the priest-ish guests) "Mighty fillin' grubbs, thanks."
Bud gives and "Elvis" finger point and wink towards Horatio as he
fires up the 'medicinal marijauna' clandestinely provided by
Shlitzee moments before. After a few starter puffs, he passes the
peace spleef clockwise and speaks:
"If we've got the juice, let it loose..."
Bud looks around the faces at the table, continues mostly towards
his fellow Wardeneers-
"...and by that...I say spool this puppy up, let's have a look at
this rock from on high. Maybe see if 'mammabird' is returning our
calls at the same time?"
(More towards Horatio and his students)
"How would you guys like to move from 'gonnabe' priests to cardinals
and bishops in a week?"
Waits for a moment
"Sounds crazy, but I bet we could show you some things that would
blow the folks away back home, interested?"
As his buzz kicks in a bit, Bud's thoughts drift to Plaser field
training...and the lovely wreckage after each discharge...
katrinalieff 6/25/2005
Amanda watches curiously at the folks smoking.
supreme_arbiter 6/25/2005
OOC: I've been busy these last few weeks, but it's always a pleasure
to come back to y'all. Special shoutout to Mike, welcome back, Bud :)
turn 15.95 - The Conference
"Lt. Matahachi, this unit has just experienced spacial-time
disorientation. Can you describe current status of ship and crew?"
THX-1492 asked.
"Time disorientation? That's curious, isn't it?" Matahachi asked in
"The engines are not working," he continued. "The dropship is
grounded and the crew are all gone. There's a new mission. I am here
to supply you with new software and a new piece of hardware."
"I say spool this puppy up," Bud said. "Let's have a look at this
rock from on high. Maybe see if 'mammabird' is returning our calls
at the same time? How would you guys like to move from 'gonnabe'
priests to cardinals and bishops in a week?"
"Bishops? Cardinals?" the students said in confusion.
"Sounds crazy, but I bet we could show you some things that would
blow the folks away back home, interested?" As his buzz kicked in a
bit, Bud's thoughts drifted to Plaser field training and the lovely
wreckage after each discharge...
Arkady was seated next to Bud. He looked from the burning spleef to
Nike. He handed it back to Bud, silently mouthed the word 'later'
and smiled. In a louder voice he said, "It's still dark out, but if
the engines are functioning and we can get some lift we might be
able to use radar or something similar to scan the surrounding
terrain. Getting a look-see while it's still dark might give us an
advantage if we want to keep our location a secret for the time
being. What do you think, Nike?"
end transmission
gglassdr 6/26/2005
THX-1492 responds to Lt. Matahachi's order by lowering its arms and
turning its torso so that its commander can access its software
download connector and its hardware installation panel.
"This unit is ready to access new orders and instrumentation,
supreme_arbiter 6/27/2005
"Ok," Matahachi replied. "Very well. I need you to shutdown. Do you have any final questions?"
gglassdr 6/30/2005
"Negative, Officer Matahachi"
supreme_arbiter 6/30/2005
"Very well. Please shutdown THX-1492. I hope to see
you again very soon. Until then, pleasant dreams," he
said smiling affectionately.
supreme_arbiter 7/5/2005
turn 16 - The Bottom of the Rabbit Hole
THX-1492 shutdown all its systems. Then there was nothing. No color,
sound, touch, phenomenon. There was void and no void.
Then there was the word, and the word was BIOS.
Basic Input/Output System loading...
New hardware detected: Global Positioning Satellite Receiver
Drivers installed: "Rho1 Cancri II" ver
New software installed: Skycar 3 - piloting
New software installed: Skycar 3 - routine maintenance
"readme.txt" found in startup. Opening and moving to backup
The UWSC-CS Warden has arrived in orbit. Some of her crew are
landing and require your assistance. I will transmit their location
to you on a frequency bookmarked in your radio as 'Warden Crew'. I
will continuously transmit their location until you make contact. If
their location changes, my transmission will be updated. Their
projected landing site is significantly far from your current
position, so you will need a vehicle. Nearby you will find several
Skycars in fine working order and sufficiently fueled. Their
location is marked on your GPS.
Trust your instincts and good luck.
THX-1492 reread the message while its sensors turned on. The robot
was in the same familiar corridor. It looked ruined again. The human
corpse in combat armor lie just past the door exactly where THX
remembered it.
end transmission
OOC: I will post a substantial new turn for the lifeboat crew soon.
gammaben 7/7/2005
OOC: Sorry I didn't post before now!
Taking a turn at Bud's peace "pipe" for lack of a better
catch phrase, Percy indulged a puff and recalled that he'd given up
smoking a while back to make himself more attractive to the Warden
recruiting corps. "Ah the sweet smell of *COUGH GASP WHEEZE*!" He
passed the cancer stick along. "Well," he said to the assembled. "I
guess they don't *GASP* clone smoke-resistant lungs like they *COUGH*
used to, eh?"
"I say spool this puppy up," Bud said. "Let's have a look at this
rock from on high. Maybe see if 'mammabird' is returning our calls
at the same time? How would you guys like to move from 'gonnabe'
priests to cardinals and bishops in a week?"
Eyes watering, Percy offered that he'd tried to find a
working commline back in the medical bay to no success. However, with
the whole team assembled to focus on one task, maybe they could push
something through. "Surely someone has to be listening. Or at least
watching us on radar, telescope, or something. I have to beleive
Zhaxier must be trying to find us." He trailed off in thought, but
snapped back to the topic at hand.
"But frak yeah, let's fire up the engines! I think we should work
with our resident radioactive robot, Terminus, that we found in the
engine room. He's been helping us repair the damage to the engine."
He looked to Horatio and the other natives. "In the meantime, I bet
you have lots of questions. I know we do. We're obviously all
human--mostly, anyway. Wanna play 20 questions? You can start first,
being the visitors...."
OOC: I imagine the SA can handle the Q&A--with; the assumption that
we're not going to lie to them, so we don't have to pause to let the
players answer the questions. Then again, are we going full
disclosure on our side of the story or are we going to hide stuff from
them? On the other hand, I have some questions I think Percy would
like to know answers to...
supreme_arbiter 7/8/2005
turn 16 - The Conference
"In the meantime," Percy said to Horatio and the other natives, "I
bet you have lots of questions. I know we do. We're obviously all
human--mostly, anyway. Wanna play 20 questions? You can start first,
being the visitors."
"Ok," Horatio began. "Who are you? I mean, what tribe do you belong to?"
While the clones looked at each other questioningly, Bud said, "My
name is Bud and we're the Crew!" He made a loud, undulating noise
with his tongue that sounded like, "li li li li!"
"Hoo boy. I can see where this is going. I'll try some now, thanks,"
Arkady said as he took the peace pipe from Percy. He drew deeply
from it and handed it back to Bud.
"Bud of the Crew, what lies beyond the sands?"
"Beyond the what? Is this some sort of koan?" Bud asked.
"He means the desert." Nike bit off another piece of bread.
"Oh. Well, I don't know really. We came from straight up." Horatio's
students gasped and muttered to one another. "What did I say?"
"Please forgive my students. They think you are angels."
While Bud pondered the implications, Nike swallowed her mouthful of
bread. "Bud of the Crew means our bird was blown off course. We are
not familiar with your land."
Horatio nodded his understanding. "Where did you come from?"
Arkady exhaled and said proudly, "I'm from Mars. Born and raised in
New Eden."
"I'm also from Eden," Horatio said excitedly. "I didn't know there
was a New Eden. Where is Mars?"
"Oh, well I, uh... Mars is a planet," Arkady replied, which only
caused more confusion.
"New Eden is a different city," Nike explained, "and Mars is a place
that is far, far away. The rest of us are from Earth, except for Bud
"Triton," Bud quickly replied with a secret gesture.
"Horatio has informed me," Nike continued, "that Earth has been
destroyed." The crew stared at her in disbelief. Bailey muttered
something unintelligible through a mouthful of bread that suddenly
seemed to taste like ashes.
"Destroyed by fire," Horatio explained. "That was many centuries
ago. How could you have come from there?"
"The Crew tribe left there long ago," Nike explained.
"Ah, just like our tribe," Horatio nodded. The crew considered the
awful news in silence. The Earth was gone! Was it true? How could it
have happened? How could these backward natives know what had
happened to Earth? In the awkward silence, Horatio stared at the
patch on Percy's coveralls. He understood the words 'Warden'
and 'Crew' marked clearly in red. "What about the Warden?" he
asked. "What happened to her?"
"Why do you want to find the Warden?" Nike replied.
"To save her, of course. She was wounded. We have been taught the
great metal beasts live for millennia but they can't heal themselves."
end transmission
stacinator 7/10/2005
OOC: Forgive me for the long delay in posting... it has been a crazy
IC: "Horatio, is there some kind of library, or collection of ancient
texts, or repository of knowledge that you could show us?" Nike
asked, beginning to wonder if the Warden was connected to these
supreme_arbiter 7/10/2005
Forgiveness is unnecessary :D
"Horatio, is there some kind of library, or
collection of ancient texts, or repository
of knowledge that you could show us?"
OOC: Nike already asked Horatio this in Chapter 27
when they were in the operating room:
Nike: "Tell me, do you have anything in Eden like a
library, a place with records, books, or histories?"
"Oh yes," Horatio's eyes sparkled. "At the seminary in
Eden, there are many books: histories, documents,
maps, scriptures, all precious and rare. They are
jealously guarded, but the priests will probably let
you see them. They'll be eager to talk to you."
OOC: The crew also already knows that Horatio is from
Eden and he's a priest.
stacinator 7/12/2005
IC: Nike turns to Horatio and asks, "How long and difficult would a
journey be to the library you spoke of earlier?"
OOC: Let's hope Nike hasn't already asked that one!! LOL
supreme_arbiter 7/19/2005
"Eden is several days journey by foot through the
desert, but the journey is dangerous. Sand Sikalas
live in the dunes and snare those that come too close.
The journey along the ridge is just over a week.
Normally the ridge is safer, but the Zinhala that
graze there are mating now and can be dangerous if
approached. I wish we had mounts to speed the journey
but there are none in Sigai."
publius1024 7/25/2005
I recently read two of the better known generation ship novels. For a
change of pace I thought I'd do a little book review.
I very much liked Non-Stop, the British version of Starship, by Brian
Aldiss. I thought the British version added to the alien nature of the
story with many British words, such as spanner instead of wrench.
Maybe Starship uses the same words, I don't know. I've read that
there's a newer version of the book written by the same author: the
only difference I know of is computers play a role in it (they're
absent from the first edition.)
There's not much I can say about Non-Stop without giving too much
away. The book has a lot of surprises. I can say it's set in a vast
ship with over 80 levels. There are mutants of various sorts, but most
are simply malformed and piteable creatures. The ship has been taken
over by plants. The primitive tribes earn a hard scrabble life by
cutting them down for food, etc. They slowly explore the ship as they
do so. In the beginning of the book we learn that the tribes fear
other tribes almost as much as they fear the nearly mythical,
non-human races: the giants, the others and the forwarders.
Non-Stop is fast paced and reveals many mysteries. At its heart is an
epic dungeon crawl in space that conveys the sense of a vast sprawling
spaceship with plenty of space to hide.
I also read Robert Heinlein's Orphans of the Sky. I like Heinlein's
work in general, but this one not so much. I found it to be too
cartoony for my taste; two-dimensional. The mutants are circus
sideshows. The ending is, as the author himself says in the text,
improbable. The ship itself doesn't seem very large at all. The only
good things I can say about the book is that it's very short (novella
length) and I very much liked the description of the cockpit.
stacinator 7/29/2005
"Percy, Arkady, Bud--if you had to give me your best estimate on how
long it will take to get this hunk of bolts off the ground and back to
Warden, what would you say?" Nike said. Percy stammered, but before
he could interrupt, she moved on, "I realize any estimate would be
based on insufficient information, Perce. But I need the best
estimation you can give me based on what you know right this second."
publius1024 7/29/2005
"Assuming this hunk is like other launch vehicles,"
Arkady replied, "it might take close to an hour to get
into orbit plus time to locate and maneuver to her."
stacinator 7/30/2005
"And how long until we're ready to launch?" Nike persisted.
gglassdr 7/31/2005
THX-1492 decides not to interpret all the fluxes it has experienced
in the time-space continuum and concentrate on doing its job.
The robot searches around for the nearest Skycar which it will enter,
activate, input the coordinates for the warden crew, and activate the
supreme_arbiter 8/2/2005
Turn 17: To Your Stations
"And how long until we're ready to launch?"
"We're ready now," Percy beamed.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's spool it up!" Nike replied. Bud
whooped and cocked his fist back in a celebratory manner. Nike led
the way through the corridors to the cockpit. The students' jaws
dropped as they gazed at the impressive array of technology. Even
Horatio was unable to completely hide his awe.
Nike took a quick head count and asked Bailey to help their guests
find a seat and fasten their seatbelts. She took her seat at the
center console. Percy took his at the Post-It festooned computer
console. Arkady sat on Nike's right, Amanda on her left and Bud took
the last console seat. Chelydra took an aisle seat and kept an eye
out for trouble. "Bud, will you please search for transmissions?"
"Roger, Big Momma!"
Nike checked the ship status indicators. She patted the console
affectionately. "Come on Pandora," she whispered, "speak to us." She
fired up the engines while Arkady craned his neck to watch her.
The ship trembled. The students cried out in terror and frantically
tried to remove their harnesses. "Be just and fear not," Horatio
intoned. His words soothed their fears although the rumble of the
engines continued to increase. Elsewhere in the bowels of the ship,
Terminus basked in the engines' radioactive warmth.
The ship rose with a jerk as it broke free of the sand then settled
into an even ascent. "Fuel level 48 percent," Amanda said.
The sky was too dark to see anything through the cockpit windows
besides the twinkling stars. However, a large holographic projector
in front of Nike's console was visible to all. Percy managed to turn
it on. It showed a large model of the lifeboat. He found the zoom
control and the model shrank to no larger than a thumbnail. "The
projection is displaying visible light right now," Percy said, "but
we're not running with any lights. I should be able to... Ah, here
we are! This is the radar image." The hologram instantly changed to
a more abstract view. The ship model remained the same, but the dune
sea below appeared as an evenly lit topographical map. As the ship
continued to rise, the dunes steadily shrank and expanded in all
directions. Foothills arose from the dunes in the east and became a
small mountain chain in the midst of the desert. It intersected a
larger chain of mountains further east.
Nike stopped the ship's ascent. The projection displayed the
mountain range surrounded by a vast desert. "What other viewing
options do you have there, Percy?" Nike asked.
"Oh, well, um..." he said, quickly adding another Post-It Note to
his console. "There's visible light." The projection went black
except for the ship model and a few tiny groups of light in the
Nike examined the projection for a few moments. "Anything else?"
"Ultraviolet." The view changed to a perfectly uniform purple image.
"Hmm," Nike said as she contemplated the view. "No rad spikes
besides normal background radiation. Anything else?"
"Life form detection doesn't work at this range. The last option is
infrared." The view changed again. There were a few bright spots of
heat in the mountains that correlated to the visible lights, and a
few others where there had been no lights at all. Columns of warm
air rose from all of them.
Nike pondered the hologram and their situation for a moment. "Percy,
have you been recording the holographic view?"
"Ever since we took off," he said proudly.
"Anything from momma bird, Bud?"
"Negative. I've tried all the standard frequencies, but Warden's not
broadcasting on any of them. I'm scanning the dial manually. If
there's anyone else out there broadcasting it might take a while to
find them. Damn it, Jim," he mugged. "I'm a security officer, not a
comm expert! Or a programmer for that matter."
"Fuel level 47.5 percent."
"Nike, these systems look more familiar to me now," Arkady
added. "She's an entry vehicle. We won't be able to get her off
planet. She lacks the thrust to reach orbit. I hope I'm wrong, but
we probably have to find an alternate route home."
Nike pondered their next move. Before she could speak, Amanda
excitedly cried, "there's a vehicle approaching from the east." The
crew turned to look at the hologram. A bright, but very small heat
source appeared. It was flying only a few hundred meters lower than
their own altitude. They watched it move over the mountains in their
direction, then it flared brighter.
"Nike, it's scanning us with a laser."
THX-1492 decided not to try and interpret the flukes it had
experienced in the time-space continuum. It concentrated on doing
its job instead. It examined its new internal GPS. Just as the
readme.txt had said, there was a waypoint not far from the robot's
present location. It rolled out of the dropship and into the
clearing outside. It followed the waypoint until it stood in the
clear, uneroded excavation it had examined last. On the side of the
dark ruin, the large rectangular shapes that had glowed warmly in
the infrared spectrum now opened into a large hollow space that
served as a garage. Several skycars were parked inside.
The robot chose the nearest skycar, opened the hatch and climbed in.
THX was right on top of his present waypoint, so he saved it for
future use and searched for the radio frequency labeled 'Warden
Crew'. The signal sounded clear as a bell. THX programmed the
broadcast coordinates into its GPS. The journey would be long, but
the skycar was sufficiently juiced. It activated the skycar and set
off on its journey.
The path took THX-1492 westward. The skycar chased the sun for many
hours but it lost the race and the sun sank beneath the horizon.
Night blanketed the landscape. THX noted the planet's benighted
surface. There were no cities, electric lights, stoves or even
campfires. The journey continued for several hours.
The fuel gauge steadily fell. It was nearing empty, but there was
still more than enough fuel to reach the 'Warden Crew' waypoint.
Already THX-1492 was nearly there. The invisible landscape below was
mostly flat interrupted only by small dunes, but now the skycar's
radar showed the land was rising up into mountains. At last THX saw
small pockets of visible light and heat tucked away in the
mountainous foothills, possibly indicating intelligent life. Other
small areas were marked by heat and rising smoke but no visible light.
The skycar came within range of a large object hovering at several
thousand meters on the other side of the mountains. THX-1492
compared the object's location to that of its waypoint. It was only
off by a few dozen meters. The robot turned the skycar's ladar on
the ship. It scanned it with an invisible laser that resolved the
ship in much more detail than the radar was capable of. The ladar
clearly showed that the ship was a Buffett class lifeboat, most
likely from the Warden.
OOC: I would have liked to have completed my world map by now, but
such is procrastination :) I'm going to use ProFantasy's Fractal
Terrains to create the maps. In the meantime, please bear with me.
If my explanation of the mountain ranges, the terrain and the
orientation is confusing... please let me know and I'll try and
clear it up.
stacinator 8/2/2005
"Scan his ass right back, and tell me what the threat level is." Nike
said. "Are shields operational?" She said to no one in
particular. "Hail them, if possible."
gammaben 8/3/2005
"No return flight..." Percy said in a mumble, pondering what
that would mean. He had hoped this space bucket would get him back to
Warden. He was glad he didn't tell the Watcher they'd be back for
dinner. It looked to him like it was going to be planet food for a
while. He'd missed the Warden vending machines, and he realized he'd
be missing them for a while longer, not too somberly. "By the time we
get back, Zhaxier oughta have Warden all fixed up," he said
optimistically. "If he managed to escape the Watcher 'bots," he said somberly.
"Scan his ass right back, and tell me what the threat level is." Nike
said. "Are shields operational?" She said to no one in
particular. "Hail them, if possible."
Percy looked for instrumentation that dealt with
communications, shields and scanning. Assuming he found any, he
reported as such to Nike of its availability and of his usage of it.
He chuckled at Nike's style of ship captaining.
While he was reintroducing himself to the computer console, Percy
continued his note taking and posting. He also reviewed the damage
scan for any structural problems that would prevent them from actually
flying. "After all, we did crash," he thought. Taking off was one
matter and he was thrilled they had accomplished that. Zooming off to
explore the dunes was another and he wanted to make sure the ship was
up for it.
gglassdr 8/4/2005
THX-1492 attempts to hail the ship. It sends a message:
"Engineering Bot THX-1492 communicating with Warden lifeboat. Response
is requested"
supreme_arbiter 8/4/2005
Percy chuckled at Nike's style of ship captaining. [..] "Shields are
fully powered. I don't see any other scanners besides those I showed
you: heat and radiation. Life form detection is short range only, maybe
50 meters. There's a camera zoom but it's already zoomed in all the
way. Communications... ah, here it is! Looks like I have the same
interface as Bud, and the same problem too. What channel are they
He tried one at random, "Hello? Approaching craft, do you read me?" He
listened for a moment. He heard static only. While he tried
broadcasting on another frequency, he continued to reintroduce himself
to the computer console. [...] Happily, he found no structural
problems, or any damage of any sort. All ship's systems were green,
except... "Oh yeah," he recalled to himself. "The ship's AI still has a
damaged autonomic regulator. But we don't need that for flight!"
Meanwhile the craft grew nearer and larger in the hologram. It
resembled a small, red sportscar on jets. It looked like it might seat
two. One seat seemed to be occupied by a large robot.
supreme_arbiter 8/4/2005
THX-1492 attempts to hail the ship. It sends a
message: "Engineering Bot THX-1492 communicating with Warden
lifeboat. Response is requested"
Aboard the lifeboat, Bud and Percy heard a beep and
saw a message flash on their consoles. Someone was
sending them a message on the Warden's traffic control
mikejohnson_lordofdance 8/7/2005
Aboard the lifeboat, Bud and Percy heard a beep and
saw a message flash on their consoles. Someone was
sending them a message on the Warden's traffic control
-Bud, with his buzz-enhanced sense of humor tunes into the traffic
control frequency and broadcasts:
"Four Adam Twelve, Four Adam Twelve...this is 'Thrustercat Charlie
Five,' do you copy?"
To his companions: "Looks like the spiffy lil' redrod is tuned to a
Warden Traffic Control Frequency. I've just given a level 2
security codespeak," Bud stifles a giggle as he thinks of how
ludacris many of the security protocols of 23rd century humanity had
"We're on an unsecure channel, and I seem to remember some mention
of a 'Watcher.' Let's see if we get a message in kind."
Part of Bud continues to monitor the transmissions while preparing
the ship's offensive capabilities (if any exist). Another part
gives a cursory reflection to the possibility that the Earth has
finally taken the final step in stupidity...he is not, he discovers,
shocked in the least: A substantial portion of his life has been
spent with Expatriated Earthers aboard the Warden, not to mention
his own family having left the homeworld generations ago. On some
level, the collective consiousness of the species was telling it to
find a new home because the old one wouldn't survive its children's
long adolescence...
Bud pulls a 'radio-on' and signifies all crew (including shlitzee)
as recipients: "Looks like we're not the only ones with cool toys in
the neighborhood," he nods toward the hologram, "but it also seems
like the best toys are relics. Did anyone else notice the lack of
modernity in those settlements, if the utter lack of artificial
signals on the comm channels is any gauge?"
Secretly, he wonders if the Warden bioengineers would have played
some nasty tricks and made it impossible for clones to cop a buzz...
supreme_arbiter 8/8/2005
Oh yeah!
Part of Bud continues to monitor the transmissions while preparing
the ship's offensive capabilities (if any exist).
...and was dismayed to discover there were none!
"Did anyone else notice the lack of
modernity in those settlements?"
"Yeah," Arkady replied. "They look pretty small. I
don't see any sign of a power grid of any sort
THX-1492 soon received a response on the wavelength it
was broadcasting: the Warden's traffic control
frequency. "Four Adam Twelve, Four Adam Twelve. This
is 'Thrustercat Charlie Five', do you copy?"
OOC: I'm not quite sure what this meant:
the Earth has finally taken the final
step in stupidity...
On the face of it, the stupidity seems to be self
annihilation. But in the context of Bud's character,
does it mean settling on a planet instead of remaining
in space? Sorry to be so thick :D
mikejohnson_lordofdance 8/8/2005
"Yeah," Arkady replied. "They look pretty small. I
don't see any sign of a power grid of any sort
-Still using the subvocal implant comm, (sorry if I only
implied it was meant to be secret from the natives), Bud
replies to Arkady/group:
"Looks like things haven't gone so well here in colonyville...
to paraphrase the old 2-D icon Charlie Heston: "...look on the
bright side, if these are the best they have to offer, we'll be
running this planet in a week."
"Assuming the aircar is friendly, can we bring it into our cargo
bay in mid-air?" Bud asks the group.
On the face of it, the stupidity seems to be self
annihilation. But in the context of Bud's character,
does it mean settling on a planet instead of remaining
in space? Sorry to be so thick :D
OOC: That's a good question, Paul.
Bud does have a fairly pronounced view on 'flatlanders' but
in this particular case, it was the surface-level interpretation:
self annihilation as the ultimate act of stupidity.
P.S. I'll be away from my computer for the next couple weeks
(vacation). Take care all/look forward to continuing the game!
supreme_arbiter 8/9/2005
I've gotten a couple of requests to bring mutants back
into the game. I think I was wrong to exclude them. I
now want to include all the MA character types:
Mutants (human, animal, plant), Humans (clones,
primitives) and Robots. Mutants can also be clones of
I will soon change the newcharacters.html page on the
IAS archive. I haven't worked out the details yet, but
here are my thoughts:
The character attributes will continue as they are:
HP, STR, DEX, MR, RR etc. (BTW, none of the current
characters have AC. I'll have to bone up on the MA1e
rules to rectify that soon :)
For skills, mutations, and equipment I want to be
flexible and facilitate creativity. I am open to ideas
from other RPGs, books, etc. besides MA1e. Some of my
favorites are Gamma World, Traveller (particularly
2300AD), GURPS: (particularly Transhuman Space,
Robots, Ultra-Tech and Space) and the CyberPunk Chrome
books. This list is by no means exclusive. I'm open to
anything but I reserve the right to modify for game
New clones will still start with three skills. New
mutants will start with three mutations. I'll allow
more only if the character has mutational defects or
Any thoughts?
gammaben 8/11/2005
Sounds great to me; I know you'll creatively bring each new character
regardless of class/race into the game without making it seemed
forced. The way you've brought all the most recent characters in was
very clever and I look foward to seeing where this new crop of mutants
comes from--another Warden escapee bunch, or perhaps mutants on the
planet? Sorry for my posting delays, too!
gglassdr 8/11/2005
THX-1492 registers the unusual greeting from the speaker of the
cramped lifeboat. Originally designed for humans, the control console
was a tight fit for a large engineering robot such as it. If he had
been programmed to consider comfort, THX would be unhappy with how
its metallic rear had shredded the soft corinthian leather of the
lifeboat's command seat.
"Four Adam Twelve......" repeated the speaker. THX-1492 accessed its
memory files. Several decades ago while exploring the Warden looking
for access into the command centers, THX-1492 had come encountered an
ancient communication bot in the Warden's delapidated library-COM
center. The library bot's maneuvering circuits had malfunctioned and
engineerbot THX-1492 had performed its primary duty well in restoring
the ancient bot to full maneuverability. In gratitude, the librarybot
had insisted that THX stay and appreciate sharing in its favorite
pastime, watching ancient vids from the library's vast archives.
The Warden's builders knew that boredom & loneliness would be a
primary threat to the morale of the colony ship's occupants, so they
uploaded every scrap of recorded entertainment available to twenty
third century man. This librarybot's favorites happened to be ancient
TVid programs from the late twentieth century: programming having to
do with the olde society of the Americans, which if the TVid was
accurate, was a violent society filled with heavily armed roving
bands of rebellious youth escaping from equally heavily armed units
of corrections officers. Vigilantes named "Rambo", "Chuck Norris",
and a famous politician by the name of "Ahhhhnold" were obviously
very popular in those ancient days.
THX wasn't entertainted, considering such a violent society to be
unordered. However, the documentaries dealing with the early years of
outer space exploration were excellent. One documentary dealt with a
famous deep apace vessel with its sex starved captain and mutant
pointy eared first officer. THX had especially liked the serial
documentariy about the poor lost family in space and their immensely
talented Robot.
Obviously, the members of this crew were TVid historians themselves
and the very unusual queary obviously required a similar password
So THX-1492 accessed its memory banks of the TVid program that had
been shown to it and responed:
"Thrustercat Charlie Five, Four Adam Twelve response as follows:
"Adam-12, Adam-12, A two-eleven is in progress on fourth and broadway
streets. Repeat a TWO-ELEVEN!! All units to respond. Ambulance and
firefighing units in route. SWAT team is on standby. News 24hr
chopper is overhead. The govenor has placed the National Guard on
standby as well. Acknowledge Adam-12"
supreme_arbiter 8/22/2005
We've got one more mutant that'll be entering play
next turn. His name is Caleb. Anyone else want to
belly up to the bar for an Obb Beer?
supreme_arbiter 8/26/2005
Turn 18
"Engineering Bot THX-1492 communicating with Warden lifeboat.
Response is requested."
"Four Adam Twelve, Four Adam Twelve. This is 'Thrustercat Charlie
Five', do you copy?"
"Thrustercat Charlie Five, Four Adam Twelve response as follows:
Adam-12, Adam-12, A two-eleven is in progress on fourth and broadway
streets. Repeat a TWO-ELEVEN! All units to respond. Ambulance and
firefighting units en route. SWAT team is on standby. News 24hr
chopper is overhead. The govenor has placed the National Guard on
standby as well. Acknowledge Adam-12."
While the robot awaited a response, THX-1492 detected an object
rapidly descending from a much higher altitude. It observed the red
hot object as it fell. The object fired thrusters then deployed a
parachute. Its descent slowed. Its surface suddenly cooled. THX-1492
targeted it with the ladar and watched as it landed in the dunes
below. The parachute gently draped the object and the surrounding
"Assuming the aircar is friendly, can we bring it into our cargo bay
in mid-air?" Bud asked the group.
"We might be able to in an emergency," Nike replied, "but it's too
"Fuel level 47 percent," Amanda intoned. Everyone waited
uncomfortably for for someone to speak, offer a suggestion or make a
Lights suddenly flashed on all consoles. "What's going on?" Chelydra
"Incoming object!" Percy and Bud shouted simultaneously.
"Is that aircar attacking us?" Nike asked.
"No," Bud replied. "This is something above us and descending."
"Rapidly," Percy continued. "It's red hot! The ship has calculated
its trajectory; it's not going to come too close to us."
The hologram projection in front of Nike showed the falling object.
It was indeed very hot and heading for the dunes. A few thousand
meters before impact, there were a series of rocket thrusts that
slowed the object's descent. It deployed a parachute and fell more
slowly. The object suddenly cooled and they lost sight of it.
Caleb awoke on the Warden in a cloning pod. He was cold and
disoriented and shocked to learn that he was no longer entirely
human. His hands were malformed and he had fur like a coyote. For
two days he wandered through the ruins of the cloning facilities. He
made his way into an endless warren of residences. The corridors
were often unlit. Trash littered the floors. He scavenged through
several rooms but the only useful item he found was a Duralloy axe
with an alluminum handle. After two days the halls echoed with the
sounds of distant fighting. Caleb hid inside a residence and closed
the door behind him. The room he was in had a window. While the
battle raged elsewhere, Caleb gazed out at the empty streets of
Epsilon City. He wished he could find a way down there.
The fighting went on for many hours. After it had been quiet for a
while, Caleb thought it might be safe enough to set off looking for
a way downstairs. But before long a group of hovering robots stopped
and attacked him. He ran but they pursued him relentlessly. In a
desperate attempt to lose them, Caleb climbed into one of a series
of holes he found along a long wall.
Inside of the hole there were a couple of seats and several buttons.
As Caleb heard the robots coming closer, he pushed at the buttons
hopefully. A door with a small window closed over the top of the
hole and lights began flashing. Caleb covered his eyes but nothing
happened. Then there was a loud noise and the space he was in shook
violently. Caleb opened his eyes. The lights had stopped flashing.
The gravity dissipated. Caleb floated around the cabin. A panel lit
up with an image of a seatbelt on it. He awkwardly managed to get
himself into a seat and fastened the seatbelt. He stowed his axe
where it wouldn't fly freely. Caleb's arms drifted weightlessly for
a long time before the pull of gravity gradually returned. Through
the small window he saw stars and, as the vessel turned, he caught
sight of a rising sun edgewise through a planet's atmosphere. As
weight returned, it grew hotter in the cabin and the window glowed
red. When it seemed like it couldn't get any hotter, the cabin
roared and shook more violently than before. Caleb felt like he
weighed a ton for a few short moments. Then it ended as suddenly as
it had begun. The cabin began to fall again. There was a noise
above. The cabin jerked downwards and slowed its descent. A white
sticky foam covered the outside of the window. A minute or so later
the cabin thumped to a stop. It dragged forward a few meters and
came to rest at a slightly off kilter angle. Caleb unfastened his
seatbelt and looked out the window. The foam had flaked off. He saw
a brief hint of sand before a large sheet of material covered the
landscape and the window.
Caleb found a bright yellow lever recessed into the wall beside the
end transmission
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 8/26/2005
Caleb found a bright yellow lever recessed into the
wall beside the window.
"I am lucky to have escaped those robots" Caleb thinks
as he looks around the strange and yet oddly familiar
room in which he finds himself. He then picks up his
axe and walks over to the bright, yellow lever. Taking
hold of the lever with one misshapen paw/hand, he
pushes against it........
supreme_arbiter 8/26/2005
Taking hold of the lever with one misshapen
paw/hand, he pushes against it...
The lever moved. The seals around the door broke
noisily. The door made a loud swishing sound as it
slid past the fabric covering the vessel and landed in
the sand below.
Caleb cautiously peered out the gaping hole but the
fabric blocked his view of the surrounding area. It
was dark outside. By the faint light from inside the
cabin he could see the sandy ground less than a meter
below the doorway. He had landed on a slight incline.
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 8/26/2005
Caleb cautiously peered out the gaping hole but the
fabric blocked his view of the surrounding area. It
was dark outside. By the faint light from inside the
cabin he could see the sandy ground less than a meter
below the doorway. He had landed on a slight incline.
Caleb pushes the fabric out of the way and climbs out
the doorway. He jumps down to the sandy ground and
puts nose to the wind. Sniffing the fresh air, he
attempts to learn everything he can about this new place.
supreme_arbiter 8/28/2005
Caleb pushes the fabric out of the way and
climbs out the doorway. He jumped down to the sandy ground.
The fabric covered him like a tent. He held it up with
one hand over his head to see farther. Caleb could not
see the end of the material, but he could not see very
far at the moment.
Caleb puts nose to the wind. Sniffing the
fresh air, he attempts to learn everything
he can about this new place.
The air was hot and stale. In the silence, Caleb heard
something thrashing against the fabric. It was only a
dozen or so meters away.
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 8/28/2005
The air was hot and stale. In the silence, Caleb
heard something thrashing against the fabric. It was only a
dozen or so meters away.
Caleb moves towards the thrashing sound with axe in paw.
What does the "something" smell like?
gglassdr 8/29/2005
Silence from the lifeboat suggested to THX-1492 that his
identification signal had not worked. In computing the most logical
response, the robot decided on the simplest one.
"Warden Lifeboat. Engineering bot THX-1492 reporting. This unit is
attempting to contact officers of Warden Colony ship. To any human,
mutant, or robot, please identify selves."
supreme_arbiter 9/3/2005
Caleb moves towards the thrashing sound
with axe in paw.
He followed the sandy incline down toward the sound
and farther away from the vessel that had carried him.
It became harder to keep the fabric over his head as
he drew closer because whatever was making the noise
was near ground level and pulling at the fabric. Soon
he was crouching. Caleb tried to see ahead, but the
fabric was too close to the ground and it was too
dark. He sniffed the air and smelled a hint of pine.
publius1024 9/3/2005
"Warden Lifeboat. Engineering bot THX-1492
reporting. This unit is attempting to contact
officers of Warden Colony ship. To any human,
mutant, or robot, please identify selves."
"Thanks THX-1492. This is Arkady Dmitrivich, pilot from the UWSC Colony Ship Warden."
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 9/5/2005
He followed the sandy incline down toward the sound
and farther away from the vessel that had carried him.
It became harder to keep the fabric over his head as
he drew closer because whatever was making the noise
was near ground level and pulling at the fabric. Soon
he was crouching. Caleb tried to see ahead, but the
fabric was too close to the ground and it was too
dark. He sniffed the air and smelled a hint of pine.
Using his axe, Caleb cuts the fabric and steps out
into the night breeze.....
supreme_arbiter 9/6/2005
OOC: I've updated the New Characters page
with guidelines for all types of characters: humans,
mutants, robots and clones. There's a few new images
in there of mutant types as well:
Using his axe, Caleb cuts the fabric and steps out
into the night breeze.....
The light of a nearly full moon lit the surrounding
hill. Caleb could see the fabric stretched out around
him. It covered the escape vessel and the surrounding
dunes. He was standing near the top of a shallow
Caleb looked down the sloping dune to where the source
of the sound was. The fabric was being thrashed about
in several places. As he watched, he gradually became
aware of the location of several large somethings
below the fabric. They were close to the ground,
perhaps even below it. In some places they were
clutching at the fabric and pulling it down. In others
they were tugging at it or tossing it into the air.
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 9/10/2005
Axe in paw, Caleb begins to walk down the sloping dune
in order to get a better look at the several large
supreme_arbiter 9/12/2005
The sand shifted uneasily beneath his feet.
As he neared the closest thrashing thing, he felt close to losing his balance in a
cascade of sand knocked loose by whatever was beneath the fabric.
In the moonlight he saw a dark tentacle which had torn through the thin material.
It was pulling the surrounding fabric into a gaping maw lined with razor sharp teeth.

Elizabeth 9/13/2005
Hi. I'm Elizabeth. Can I join the ongoing game? I have a PC made up for
the game. Mutant Hamster with wings and a curiosity streak. I'll submit
stat tomorrow.
supreme_arbiter 9/13/2005
Sure! I'll keep an eye out for your hamster :)
BTW, I'll be posting a new turn this weekend.
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 9/14/2005
The sand shifted uneasily beneath his feet. As he
neared the closest thrashing thing, he felt close to
losing his balance in a cascade of sand knocked loose
by whatever was beneath the fabric. In the moonlight
he saw a dark tentacle which had torn through the thin
material. It was pulling the surrounding fabric into a
gaping maw lined with razor sharp teeth.
Unsure if this thing is a threat, Caleb tightens his
grip on his battle axe and move towards it.
gammaben 9/14/2005
Unsure if this thing is a threat, Caleb tightens his
grip on his battle axe and move towards it.
Unsure if it is a threat? What part of "razor sharp teeth" did you
think wasn't a threat? HA HA! Welcome to the game, by the way, and
no hard feelings. I just got a good laugh out of this!
Ok ok, new move this weekend, I better post before then. SORRY for
the POST JAM lately! I'm behind in all (most?) of my online games.
Work is making me insane!!!!
Katkin_Kalvin (John) 9/14/2005
Unsure if it is a threat? What part of "razor sharp teeth" did you
think wasn't a threat? HA HA! Welcome to the game, by the way, and
no hard feelings. I just got a good laugh out of this!
No worries ;). One hopes the thing doesn't like to use
it's razor sharp teeth on coyotes and prefers to eat
fabric, therefore not making it a threat to our
intrepid hero but we'll see.... ;)
Thanks for the welcome to the game :)
gammaben 9/18/2005
"Warden Lifeboat. Engineering bot THX-1492
reporting. This unit is attempting to contact
officers of Warden Colony ship. To any human,
mutant, or robot, please identify selves."
"Thanks THX-1492. This is Arkady Dmitrivich, pilot
from the UWSC Colony Ship Warden."
[[Percy]] Off external comm, Percy inquired. "Another Warden refugee?
Whoa!!! How did it find us? Where did it get that ship? Are there
more, I wonder." He finally paused for breath. "Waaaaaaitaminute,"
Percy said ponderously. "What happened to THXs eleven-thirty-nine
through fourteen-ninety-one?" He looked around at his confused
auidence. "What, someone makes a Heston reference and you're fine
with it, but throw a little sci-fi reference in there and I get
stunned silence? Tough crowd!"
[[Nike]] "Percy, we're living it. It's not sci-FI anymore. It's just
[[Percy]] "Right she is! So now what do we do? Sounds like to me we
should join forces with the robot and see what it can tell us. I for
one would like something to happen that makes sense around here,
instead of... well, not making much sense."
supreme_arbiter 9/19/2005
IAS turn 19 - Fabric Eating Monsters
"THX-1492, this is Captain Nike Thomason, UWSC Marine Corps. Set your
craft down on the ground below us. We will follow, over."
"Acknowledged, Captain Thomason," the robot replied as it set a
course for the aircar to land near where the escape pod landed below.
The small aircar's lights dipped as it flew toward the planet's
surface. "Arkady, please take the helm. Set us down on level ground
where we can keep a close eye on THX's craft and the place where
that, I'm presuming it's an escape pod, landed."
"Roger." Arkady's fingers flexed over the interface and a moment
later the ship began to descend.
"Bud, keep dialing for active frequencies. That aircar had to have
come from somewhere. I can't believe there aren't any transmissions
The crew watched their descent in the hologram projection. Percy
switched to radar analysis so they could see the contours in the dark
without turning on any external floodlights. Arkady picked out a
nice, flat plateau above the landing place of both crafts.
"I've got something," Bud yelled. "It's an encrypted message." He
flipped a switch on the console. The cockpit speakers blared forth a
painful squeal. Horatio and his students all held their ears in
pain. "Ouch, sorry," Bud apologized as he turned the speakers
off. "It was feeding back. Huh, that's funny," he said as he pressed
the radio monitor's headphones closer to his ears. "Now the signal's
not there." He moved the dial minutely in the range of the frequency
he had just heard, but it was completely gone. "Ah! I should have
been recording it!"
The crew watched the lifeboat in the hologram set landing gear down
on a broad portion of sand. The ship was upright and stable. At last
there was space beneath for all her doors to open safely. Arkady
checked all systems and turned them off as necessary.
"What's our fuel consumption, Amanda?" Nike asked.
"Our reserves are at 46.5%. We were aloft for 15 minutes. We burned
0.1% of our fuel reserve in a minute. To put it another way, we can
burn our engines for," her eyes rolled back as she calculated, "7
hours and 45 minutes."
"Thanks Amanda. Bailey, will you please stay here and see to our
guests. Make sure they get a good show from up here. Anyone else who
cares to join me, we're going to see who this THX-1492 is and what
landed in that dune."
Unsure if the thing was a threat, Caleb tightened his grip on his
battle axe and moved toward it. "I sure hope this thing doesn't like
to use its razor sharp teeth on coyotes and prefers to eat fabric."
He stepped close to it and the thing stopped as if it had heard him
somehow. It renewed its thrashing with more intensity and purpose. It
swung its tentacles at Caleb. He jumped away from them and nearly
lost his footing in the steep sand. [OOC: I rolled an 11 vs Caleb's
DX 14]
At that moment, Becka and Irsa reached the top of the ridge above the
fallen escape pod.
Becka was a normal looking human girl except for her green hair. Irsa
flew beside her. She was a very large hamster with green feathers.
They had never met before fate had placed them in the same escape pod
together. They had left their landing site to seek shelter in the
mountains. Becka had been telling Irsa about her village, it had been
just been attacked by an insane android known as the Watcher and
everyone had fled, when they had spotted Caleb's escape pod falling
in the moonlight.
At the top of the ridge now, they watched Caleb scrambling away from
a tentacle that reached out of the fabric shrouding the pod. "Initial
contact," Irsa stated.
"And it looks hostile. You may need those spears after all." Becka
looked up at a bright light coming down toward them. "What the, Irsa
They crouched in the sand as the light got bigger and started making
a noise like a loud wind. It sort of resembled a large car like the
ones Beck had seen near her village, but this one was new and flying.
It set down nearby and the top came off. A large, human shaped
machine stepped out. It had a dull copper green exterior and rounded
joints. There was a readout display on its chest and the contents of
its computer brain were visible through its clear head.
Caleb stood back a safe distance from the tentacled terror and
watched THX-1492 land. He was amazed to see an even larger ship
descending next to it. It had no external lights on, but the sound it
made as it landed called attention to it.
The lifeboat touched down and the gangplank descended below her hull.
Nike and the crew stepped off the ship and into the sand. They gazed
at the scene before them.
end transmission
OOC: Two new characters,
Becka and Irsa,
and now all characters are together at once!
publius1024 9/19/2005
Arkady practiced sending a surreptitious message to Bud through his
internal comm. "Nice creeper, Bud. Radio off."
"I'll join you," Arkady said to Nike and left the ship with her and
the rest of the away team.
OOC: A hearty welcome to Becka, Irsa and Caleb. And to THX-1498, we
meet at last!