katrinalieff 3/13/2005
I have a question; I was looking through your saga that is posted on
the home page site, and one of the PC's was formally used, but is
now NPC"ed. Can I use that one; I thought she looked real cool! Plus
I've been reading the chapters to get feel of her character
supreme_arbiter 3/13/2005
Is Amanda the character you're thinking of? I have no
objections. I think the person who once played her has
left the group and won't mind. Amanda has a colorful
past: she was originally an NPC, became a PC in
chapter 13, and became an NPC again in chapter 16.
I think it would be great if you'd like to pick up an
NPC :) I did the same thing when I was a player, with
BTW, there's another new character coming soon...
Perhaps tonight?
supreme_arbiter 3/13/2005
Yikes, I just noticed that Nike was listed as an NPC!
I hope Stacy didn't notice :) I hope that wasn't the
one you meant Katrina. Stacy's playing Nike.
katrinalieff 3/14/2005
Actually it WAS Nike (DRAT!). But, I'll take Amanda if you wish. The
only thing is that she has no weapons listed. Does this mean I
can "pick up" some?
One more thing, before I go too much further�this is a Play by E-
Mail is it not? I can't do chat room games, I use someone else's
computer, or public ones.
supreme_arbiter 3/14/2005
A new character has joined, THX-1492:

Memory check-sum... ok
Veribot Systems Verified
Loading sub-systems...
THX-1492's visual sensors came online. The room was well lit so there
was no need for the infrared spectrum. THX-1492 stood up. Its legs
had recently been oiled and they moved easily. The robot looked
around and saw it was in the middle of one of the ancient buildings
their team had been excavating. A high, stone ceiling hung overhead.
Giant pillars etched with patterns left by a forgotten race framed
exits in front, to the right and left. No other robots or humans were
nearby. There was no sound at all besides the distant call of jungle birds.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the desert...
The box was rusted shut, but Janus managed to pry an end up. He
worked carefully, for fear of damaging the contents. When he managed
to open the lid a portion of the way, it snapped off above its
hinges. Janus held the lid and his breath as he looked inside.
The box was filled with a dark fibrous mass. It tore into dusty pieces
under Janus' fingers. Beneath was a large, carved stone. Janus lifted
the stone from the case. It depicted a humanoid sitting with a bright
green jewel in its lap. Its face was flat and featureless. It held
its arms in front of it as if holding something invisible. Strange
glyphs surrounded the figure. Never before had Janus seen anything
like it. He lightly brushed the fibrous dust from the stone. The
vivid colors literally glowed with an internal light centered on the
figure's chest and the jewel in its lap.
Janus searched the rest of the box. There was only one other item
inside: a white cylinder with unusual markings on one end. Janus
placed the stone on the floor in front of him and examined the
cylinder. He tried to activate the device, but there were no buttons
or levers. He tried to open the device, but there were no seams.
Finally, having consumed nearly a dozen candles, Janus decided to
take a break from the puzzle. The men blew out their candles and lay
down for a rest. Outside the afrimus storm howled, punctuated by the
periodic sound of lightning striking sand.
end transmission
supreme_arbiter 3/14/2005
Actually is WAS Nike (DRAT!). But, I'll take Amanda if you wish.
D'oh! Sorry :(
Amanda is yours if you want her.
The only thing is that she has no weapons listed.
Does this mean I can "pick up" some?
You sure can! :) The crew left a few weapons in the
supply room just before take off. There's also a
munitions locker that no one has looked inside yet. If
you don't find what you're looking for there, you can
probably make it with the matter compiler in the
ship's hold, but Percy's currently on a mission to
gather enough carbon to build a replacement part for
the engine. More on that soon: we're waiting for Percy
to whittle away his email inbox... :)
There's a map of the ship at the bottom of Chapter 25
Amanda has been through most of the ship, and the
portions she hasn't been through she has heard about
over the communication device embedded in her skull
(all the clones, except Chel mysteriously, have these
2-way comm devices.) Her security card will currently
let her into all areas except the Captain's quarters.
this is a Play by E-Mail is it not?
I can't do chat room games
It is. Our personal lives are all so busy that I
wouldn't want to contemplate trying to arrange a chat
session :)
gglassdr 3/14/2005
Initiating Threat Analysis.................No Threat Detected
Initiate Preliminary Exploratory Program................Discover Humanoids and Verify Status
THX-1492 decides to explore each exit to front, left, and right. It is looking for any humanoids,
especially familiar ones, and any terran type electronic systems to repair.
Failing this, it will attempt to find an exit from the ancient structure.
katrinalieff 3/15/2005
->It may take me a little while to get into the swing of things. I
have to go read that last couple of chapters to figure out what
exactly is going on.
->In the meantime, I will have Amanda go procure a sidearm, with
holster. Also, I will look into the munitions locker-provided I can
get in to it. Let me know what she will have the choice of.
Also, is she alone in the ship?
->In the future, do I post here, or somewhere else?
gammaben 3/16/2005
Let me jump in to say that I hope to get back to posting for Percy
this week!
In the meantime, I'd suggest reading the SA's archive for the material
published so far about Amanda. In short, she's a mathematics teacher
crewman of Warden, and is a clone of the original Amanda. She was one
of the first NPCs the original characters encountered. Anyway, you
should post here. She's definitely not alone on the ship, and her
current locale is the medical bay which is also the current locale of
several other NPCs and PCs.
You could just read starting from chapter 4 "Separated"
to get the full history of Amanda, at least as far as her involvement in the "Initiate
Alpha Sequence" game. But you might just want to read from the
beginning. She gets knocked unconcious between chapters 17 and 18 and
wakes up in chapter 22. I'd read all about her so you can get the
feel for her character, if you are interested in providing good
continuity from her previous string-pullers to you.
Welcome to the game!
publius1024 3/16/2005
Let me jump in to say that I hope to get back to
posting for Percy this week!
Yay! Welcome back from RL (who needs it ;)
I've been holding off the release of the narrated
chapter 26 because Percy hadn't yet posted a reply to
the turn that ended that chapter. In the interest of
catching you up to speed without forcing you to read
the raw chapter notes, I'll post 26 tonight.
She's definitely not alone on the ship, and her
current locale is the medical bay
Incorrect. Amanda is in room 2 (Dining) where she is using a
computer terminal's lifesigns monitor to direct Percy
and Arkady in locating carbon.
Nike, Shlitzee and Horatio are in room 8 (Operating
Room) where one of Horatio's students is undergoing
Chelydra, Bud and Bailey are in room 16 (Captain's
Dining) making sure the rest of Horatio's students
don't get into trouble.
Percy and Arkady are outside the ship collecting
animal carcases killed by the storm that recently
The ship's map is at the bottom of chapter 25. I know
that's a pretty inconvenient place for it. Next turn
there'll be a brand new page for the Lifeboat map.
BTW, this is my normal,
non-SA-funny-looking-hat-wearing email address :)
stacinator 3/16/2005
Glad to have you! Even if you did try to steal my character... ;)
Seriously, glad you're a part. The more the merrier.
publius1024 3/16/2005
In the future, do I post here, or somewhere else?
Yes, this is perfect. Post on the Yahoo group site, or
you can be lazy like me and just reply to emails sent
to the group and change the Subject name 8)
Chapter 26 is up on the IAS site:
The Afrimus Storm
This brings the narration up to the last 2 turns.
gammaben 3/18/2005
Percy had mixed feelings about collecting the dead
creatures. He laughed at Arkady's comment about first contact with
extra terrestrials. On this planet, they weren't exactly "extra" but
they were still foreign to them all the same. If these recently
expired creatures weren't ... recently expired, they might be running
away from the strange extra terrestrials who had crash landed on their
planet! Then again, if there were other humanoids on the planet,
Percy guessed he and the rest of the Warden escapees might not look so foreign.
The duralloy suit-encased technical trainer snapped himself out of his
musings and started to help Arkady with the carcass collection.
Inevitably, soon he was distracted again, as the curious Percy took
note of the ship's position in the sand-turned-glass crater to gain a
good ol' fashioned eyeballs view of their landing site, and also
surveyed the immediate area and horizon of the planet.
When Arkady had filled his containers he noticed Percy's were only
partially filled, and on top of that the Warden crewman seemed to be
on a sightseeing tour. "Take a picture, it'll last longer!" Arkady
joked as he approached Percy and the hatch to the ship.
"Oh, heh, sorry. It's just..." Percy trailed off, completely lost in
view. "It's just I never actually thought I'd live to see the day we
set foot on, well, wherever we are. Then again, _I_ didn't," he said
somberly, refering to his original self. "Anyway, it's amazing to me,
I mean, here we are collecting ... whatever these things are, on a
planet half way across the galaxy, so we can recycle their
carbon--dang I hope these things are carboniferous--to make reactor
parts! HOT DIGGITY DOG!" Percy pumped his fist involuntarily.
"Ok, I guess I just had to get that out of my system. You can go
ahead back to the recycler and dump your collection without me." He
held up his partially filled containers. "I'll finish packing my
Tupperware and meet you back inside in a bit."
His suggestion for Arkady to head back down without him wasn't
completely motivated by speed and efficiency. Percy hoped to have a
few more moments alone with the vastness of the planet before he
rejoined civilization. Or at least, what passed for civilization,
considering the Warden lifeboat's crew compliment was scrambled gene
clones, inadvertent cryo-stowaways, and loopy robots!
supreme_arbiter 3/20/2005
THX-1492 decided to explore the front exit first. It stepped over a
fallen gate into an excavated trench that led off into the distance
between enormous columns and ruined arches. Succulent plants grew
from the trench walls. A deep rut with robotic footprints ran down
the middle.
There were no humans or robots around.
The robot returned to where it had rebooted. It turned and walked
toward the exit on the left. Sunlight streamed into a large,
excavated pit outside. A wide ramp led to the surface. At the top,
THX-1492 saw rocky, desert terrain as far as it could see.
It stopped for a moment to process an error. The surrounding area did
not match its visual recordings. It turned around slowly, examining
the area. Over the top of the exposed structure's roof, THX saw
another pit.
A resounding crack caught the robot's attention. The sound was
followed by a human voice. It was crying in pain. THX turned to find
the sound source. Nearby, there were two half naked men. One was
cowering. The other stood above him wielding a long metal rod
prepared to strike.
The terminal in the dining hall was unfamiliar, but Amanda soon got
the hang of it. She managed to calibrate the lifesigns detector
application to varying depths around them. "Radio on," she said,
activating the comm device she'd only recently learned was installed
in her skull. "Percy, Arkady, there's an enormous carcass on the
other side of the ship from you. It seems to have been some sort of
plant: there are lots of branches leading away from it. Some are a
few dozen meters long!"
There was probably more than enough material in that one plant to
suit their needs. She directed them to its location then turned off
her radio by saying, "Radio off."
"That'll keep them busy for a while," she thought while she wondered
what to do next. Chelydra, Bud and Bailey didn't need her help
watching their guests: they all had weapons.
Amanda left the dining room and wandered toward the back of the ship
looking for the supply room. Inside, Amanda found their bags where
she had left them before they had left the Warden (in the inertial
dampening shelves.) She smiled at her forethought. Her fellow
crewmates had dumped them in the hallway on boarding.
Amanda casually inventoried the equipment in the supply room. First,
there were the possessions they had brought onboard: a munitions bag,
a duffle bag, several fist sized pods (5 red, 5 blue and 6 green), a
pod launcher, a protein disruptor pistol, a stun ray pistol, a dart
ejector, an auto-adapting stun gun, a Duralloy shield, a mini scope,
3 solar energy cells, 9 Hydrogen energy cells, a heavy wrench, 4
crude spears, and a sharp, twisted piece of plasteel.
The other shelves had more equipment: 75 blankets, 195 water bottles,
6 jackets, 22 empty jacket hangers, 3 small identical devices, a hand
radio, several maps and brochures, 8 issues of Guns & Ammo Magazine,
a hard bound book with a cloth cover, and a set of binoculars.
Satisfied that she'd looked in every corner, Amanda approached the
door labeled 'Munitions'. Unfortuantely, the door required a passcard
and Amanda had lost hers weeks ago. The Watcher had taken it.
Percy walked to the top of a dune and surveyed the alien landscape.
The open sky above him took his breath away. Most of his life had
been spent under the Warden's claustrophobic sky. The sun wouldn't go
down for at least another hour, but two extremely bright stars were
already visible. He watched them for a moment and was at peace.
Nike watched over Shlitzee's shoulder as she monitored the nanodocs'
progress. It seemed tedious. Shlitzee made eye contact with Nike and
was silent for a moment.
"Do you mind? This could take a while."

Meanwhile, somewhere in the desert...
The men slept for several hours. When they awoke, the only light in
the room was the dull red glow that emenated from the unusual stone.
The air was quiet and stale. The Leviathan was still asleep.
They roused themselves quickly and removed the saddle from the
entrance. Sand had covered the exit. They dug the sand away and
shoveled it down the stairs. After several minutes, a cool breeze
blew down on them. By the time they had cleared a path, the Leviathan
had begun to stir.
Janus careful packed his findings (even the rusted, metal box) in his
bag and helped the men move the Leviathan outside.
Night had fallen. Janus listened carefully for several minutes. He
called the names of the men who had run off, then listened again.
There was no answer. The four men packed their bags. Only three men
could ride the beast with the baggage, so they took turns walking.
They set out north and then headed east looking for their companions.
There was no sign of them. Even the tops of the ruins they had
discovered were buried beneath the dunes. The desert had erased all
evidence of them. Sadly, the men turned southwest and headed for
their destination.
end transmission
gglassdr 3/20/2005
"Input sensors record hostile humanoid action. Violation. Violation.
Harming of violent humanoid is unauthorized. Injured humanoid must
be assisted to medical facility. Violent humanoid must be restrained to
prevent further damage to self or injured humanoid."
"Working..............Analysis completed...........Appropriate action in process......."
THX-1492 announces itself loudly to the half naked men. "Humanoid! Warning!
Further damage to injured human is not authorized! Cease! Desist!
Protection Order Authorization in Progress!"
And to make sure its point is understood, THX-1492 extends its robotic arms and
moves towards the two humans, intending to either scare or restrain the violent human
to prevent injury to the other one.
stacinator 3/20/2005
"Yes, you're right. My time would be better spent elsewhere." Nike
responded with a sigh. She suddenly seemed so tired. It was as if
all the adrenaline that had been pumping through her with crisis
after crisis had evaporated, and she was left feeling a bit like a
limp dishrag.
"Radio On. Bud, I think we need to have a recon team go outside and
scout the perimeter manually; but I think that that particular team
needs to be sharp, and therefore needs rest first. So you and I will
take the first rest, then go out. Percy, you continue to work on
things from the computer end while Arkady takes a rest. In five
hours, you two switch out. Amanda, for the time being, help Percy
and Shlitzee out as they need it, and if you begin to feel as if you
need a rest, take it. You may not be completely recovered yet."
"Bailey and Chelydra, you continue to keep our guests comfortable and
supervised. Find out all you can from them about the terrain,
customs, leaders, weather,... anything is helpful. When Bud and I
return from our sleep and recon, we will take over and you can get
some shuteye. Shlitzee, if and when you feel as if you need to take
some rejuvenation time, please let me know. Otherwise, keep on it."
She took a breath and continued. "Bud, meet me in the crew quarters,
pick a room that you like and get some zz's. I'll see you in five
hours. Percy, please have us woken in exactly five hours. We are to
be awoken immediately in the case of any emergency. Thanks,
everyone. Radio Off."
She sighed again. "Shlitz, can you do a quick scan of my head? I'm
feeling woozy and am having a little pain returning. Then I promise,
I'm off to bed."
katrinalieff 3/23/2005
Amanda rummaged through the munitions bag that was left in the
Inertial Damping Shelves, looking over the contents she remembered
(and discovered) the contents: First, there were the possessions they
had brought onboard: a munitions bag, a duffle bag, several fist
sized pods (5 red, 5 blue and 6 green), a pod launcher, a Proton
Disruptor Pistol, a stun ray pistol, a dart ejector, an auto-adapting
stun gun, a Duralloy shield, a mini scope, 3 solar energy cells, 9
Hydrogen energy cells, a heavy wrench, 4 crude spears, and a sharp,
twisted piece of plasteel.
Looking toward the other shelves she spied more equipment: 75
blankets, 195 water bottles, 6 jackets, 22 empty jacket hangers, 3
small identical devices, a hand radio, several maps and brochures, 8
issues of Guns & Ammo Magazine, a hard bound book with a cloth cover,
and a set of binoculars.
Feeling an odd sense of "nakedness" w/o a sidearm-peculiarly
brought on out-of-the-blue�she decided to pick up the Proton
Disruptor Pistol and check it for ammo. Looking also for a holster.
Finding no holster, she figured that she would just have to carry the
thing with her back to the monitoring station.
[Ooc: in the event that the pistol is, or is not loaded, she
will do the following]
a) Pistol IS loaded: Amanda heads back to the Dining room where
she will continue to use the computer terminal's life signs monitor
to direct Percy and Arkady in locating carbon.
b) Pistol is NOT loaded, and there is no ammo except for the
locked locker:
Amanda speaks into her "headset", again slightly weirded
out by its recent attachment: "Radio�ON!" she spoke (too loudly).
"Excuse me, Nike? Could you come up to the Internal Dampening
Shelves? I want to get some ammo for this pistol out of the locker,
and you know that I had my access card taken from me."
She does not say anything more�
supreme_arbiter 3/24/2005
The human ceased his assault. He turned and saw THX-1492. "Otha," he
grunted threateningly. "Meta otha." He ran at the robot with his
weapon raised. "Morta!" he shouted.
Nike: "Bud, ... you and I will take the first rest, then go out."
"Roger," Bud replied over the radio. "Strange as it seems after
being in suspended animation for who knows how long, I'm actually a
little tired. I'll be in my quarters, as soon as I choose one that is."
Nike: "Bailey and Chelydra, ... Find out all you can from them about
the terrain, customs, leaders, weather,... anything is helpful."
"We've been chatting a little. They're training to be priests of
some sort. When we press them for details, they start spewing words
like living light, the word of Galt, scriptural exegesis,
miskatonicalogical, mumbo jumbo and a bunch of stuff I couldn't
understand. They said one thing that seemed odd: they said they were
too old to be priests in Eden. They also described their home. Sigai
sounds like a small but well protected farming community in the
hills nearby."
"Shlitzee, if and when you feel as if you need to take some
rejuvenation time, please let me know."
"I've been plugged in this whole time. My batteries are at full
Shlitzee had one of her robotic assistants check Nike out again, but
she was fine. She took a pill out of the medical supply room. "Chew
this. Swallow some water from the sink and call me in the morning."
Amanda picked up the Protein Disrupter pistol. Her original self had
had little experience with guns. Her current self was even more
unfamiliar with them. Fortunately, the device was fairly intuitive:
there was a business end and a trigger. She checked to see if it was
loaded but couldn't be sure. There didn't seem to be anything
missing and there wasn't a helpful display with the ammo remaining.
It looked loaded, but she wouldn't be sure until she tried to fire it.
OOC: We haven't used the item complexity tables much, but I'd like
to try it for a while. The weapons that have been used previously
will be 'grandfathered': no need to roll for them. Some of the
weapons brought on board, though, have not been used and are more
complex. They will require the clones to figure them out before they
can be fired (the pod launcher, the needler and the auto-adapting
stun gun). All weapons will have to be figured out to reload them
(and the gun fight in the long corridor leading to the hangar used a
lot of ammo...) One last comment: Bud and Bailey are not clones, but
freshly thawed humans with their memories intact. Bailey's knowledge
of weaponry is not nearly as extensive as Bud's, however.
end transmission
gpfarm 3/24/2004
I think I�m back online with the story. Thank you for the archive, it helped.
Chelydra to Bailey> �Is that Nike? Tell her we may want to check out this Sigai
after we�re sure the storms have passed. But carefully. I�m not too keen on joining
the �living light� just yet. Besides we�re going to need a resupply sometime and it
sounds like the only place open. I just hope the local beer-equivalent is served cold.
Well, no, at this point I hope the local beer-equivalent is served at all.�
publius1024 3/25/2005
Chelydra? Yay!
Thank you for the archive, it helped.
Dude, np! :)
stacinator 3/28/2005
Shlitzee had one of her robotic assistants check Nike out again, but
she was fine. She took a pill out of the medical supply room. "Chew
this. Swallow some water from the sink and call me in the morning."
"Thanks Doc." Nike responded, giving a mock salute, then headed out
the door.
As she walked, she wondered what role Amanda would play in all of
this. As far as she knew, Amanda was unarmed. She hadn't told Amanda
to go and get herself a weapon, and she wasn't sure how she felt about
Amanda having one. Could she be more of a danger to herself and her
allies than to a potential enemy? Nevertheless, each person had a
right to be armed in this critically dangerous situation. Still...
"Radio on. Bailey, could you please ask Chelydra to meet with Amanda,
make sure she is armed and see if she knows how to operate any weapon
she may choose safely? Let me know if there's a problem."
She continued down the hallways to the crew quarters. The thought of
Amanda made her head hurt. "Amanda had clearly had feelings for me,"
she thought, feeling anxious and uncomfortable as she remembered the
kiss. She had always resisted romantic entanglements, even the
heterosexual ones that might have ordinarily been welcomed... at
least, she had since he died; since her whole world had changed. She
rubbed her temples and tried to push the unbidden and momentarily
unwanted memories away from her conscious mind.
She approached the Captain's cabin, slid her passcard and entered.
OOC: What does she see in the Captain's quarters?
supreme_arbiter 3/28/2005
She approached the Captain's cabin, slid her
passcard and entered.
The first room to greet her was the Captain's lounge.
Comfortable sofas and tables lined three walls facing
a large video monitor in the fore wall. Two cabinets
in the corners framed the video screen.
The door closed behind Nike and she proceeded across
the room to the opposite door. Again, she slid her
passcard. The door opened and revealed the Captain's
inner sanctum. The room was similar to the other
crew's quarters: a wardrobe, endtable beside the bed,
a desk and chair and inertial dampening shelves next
to the desk. The chair was fastened to the floor, but
it could move forward and back several centimeters.
Besides being just a bit larger, the Captain's room
was different from the regular crew's quarters in four
ways: there were two extra chairs; there was a window
above the desk; the bed was a single bunk (instead of
the triple bunks in the crew's quarters), and there
was a private restroom behind the door in the aft
Fading daylight filled the room from the window.
stacinator 3/28/2005
Nike slid her weapons, jumpsuit and accessories off and sat them on
the desk. She stepped into the restroom to look around. "Not half
bad," she thought, eyeing the facilities. Smiling to herself as she
thought of a hot shower (however unlikely it was out here on this
particular ship) she slid onto the bed, naked and exhausted. Pulling
the blanket up over her, she looked up at the daylight, which was
lazily tossing tiny pieces of dust about in its rays, and breathed
deeply in the quiet. "Ah, what a luxury this is," she thought, "even
for just a few moments."
With that, Captain Nike Thomason closed her eyes, and sleep claimed
gglassdr 3/29/2005
THX-1492 computes the humanoids hostile action. According to its
programming, it cannot allow itself to be harmed, but it also cannot
allow the humanoid to be harmed. It considered physically restraining
the humanoid, which it could easily do. But this might hurt him.
Obviously this was a primitive life form. Perhaps it could be
frightened off?
THX-1492 deploys both of its heavy duty grappling claws and all three
of its tentacle manipulators all the way out to twelve meters and
begins to wave them around. At the same time it turns on its
broadcast power receiver to random space static and turns the volume
up while flashing its rotating white spot lights. It moves toward the
human in a threatening manner predicting that this display should
scare him away.
katrinalieff 3/29/2005
OOC: Ok, what does Amanda need to do to figure out the complexities
of the ray gun? I think almost `everyone' instinctively knows which
is the business end of one-they are made to be held that way. But I
realize that she couldn't "field strip" the thing.
Amanda picked up the Protein Disrupter pistol. Her original self had
had little experience with guns. Her current self was even more
unfamiliar with them. Fortunately, the device was fairly intuitive:
there was a business end and a trigger. She checked to see if it was
loaded but couldn't be sure. There didn't seem to be anything
missing and there wasn't a helpful display with the ammo remaining.
It looked loaded, but she wouldn't be sure until she tried to fire
it. So she decided to wait patiently for Nike to answer her inquiry.
All the while toying with the weapon, trying to figure it out, w/o
looking down the barrel
OOC: Here's another annoying question�.what is Amanda feelings
toward Nike? I just wanted to know to be able to play them out. I
read about the kiss in the chapter 6 or 7, I think it was. It makes
the story� "interesting"�
stacinator 3/29/2005
Just wanted to let you know I'm not purposely ignoring Amanda... I
thought that if the gun was loaded, then the text where she inquired
of Nike wasn't applicable? I'm confused...
gammaben 3/30/2005
Percy walked to the top of a dune and surveyed the alien landscape.
The open sky above him took his breath away. Most of his life had
been spent under the Warden's claustrophobic sky. The sun wouldn't go
down for at least another hour, but two extremely bright stars were
already visible. He watched them for a moment and was at peace.
"Well it's nice to see some real sky anyway, for a change,"
Percy said aloud, realizing Arkady probably had already descended into
the ship out of earshot. He took one final breath, gathered any
carcasses he could still fit into any containers that had room for
them, which he had with him, and climbed back into the ship. "Shall
we save the planet?" he told Arkady, holding up his makeshift recycle bins.
"I thought you wanted to save Warden first!" Arkady said as
he closed and secured the hatch.
"If you can't save the ship you love, save the ship you're
with!" Percy started whistling as they made their way back to the
recycler. His disposition had brightened significantly, even if he
was still a quirky middle aged man with a dead end job. The thought
hung in mid-air as he corrected himself. His job wasn't so dead end
anymore. Training future generations of Warden technical experts was
the old Percy's job. "Look out, uh, planet! Here I come!" he exclaimed!
Arkady paused, wondering if Percy had finally cracked, then continued
to follow Percy to the recycler in the garage.
supreme_arbiter 3/30/2005
I thought that if the gun was loaded,
then the text where she inquired
of Nike wasn't applicable? I'm confused...
I liked your naptime post! Let's keep it, and the GM
will use his Time Manipulation mutation... and meet
Nike and Amanda in the supply room for some equipping.
Arkady's been meaning to get a sidearm too. Anyone
else for some arms?
OOC: Here's another annoying question... what is
Amanda feelings toward Nike?
You've got me :) I think it's been left mercifully
ambiguous so you're free to create of it what you
wish. If you've already read chapter 7, you know all
there is to know about the context.
Chapter 11 briefly mentions it ("While she ate she
wondered where the others were and what Nike was
doing. She wondered if they were thinking about her.
She remembered the kiss with Nike and giggled a
...and chapter 15 ("It wasn't like her to take charge,
let alone slap someone. It surprised her. It reminded
her of a kiss not so long ago.")
katrinalieff 3/30/2005
Amanda waits for Chelydra to arrive (I'm not sure if that was
a `private' or `public' broadcast-in any case, Amanda, still
perplexed at her new found desire to arm herself, is now aware of
another peculiar sensation; the desire to `own' a firearm. She looked
longingly at the pistol, admiring its colors, features, and
smooth/angled contours. She thought to herself: "I wonder if I used
to be a `gun nut'. This IS an odd sensation, but I can't seem to take
my eyes off of this thing, and my desire to `possess' one, is a
little overpowering�"
She continued down the hallways to the crew quarters. The
thought of Amanda made her head hurt. "Amanda had clearly had
feelings for me,"
she thought, feeling anxious and uncomfortable as she remembered the
kiss. She had always resisted romantic entanglements, even the
heterosexual ones that might have ordinarily been welcomed... at
least, she had since he died; since her whole world had changed. She
rubbed her temples and tried to push the unbidden and momentarily
unwanted memories away from her conscious mind.
While Amanda pondered her new found `feelings', if you could
call them that-and I guess you would, she suddenly noticed that her
ears were very warm: "Must be that some one is talking or thinking
about me." She thought to herself rubbing them.
katrinalieff 3/30/2005
ok, then. This makes things even more `interesting. What does the gm
have to say on the subjet? I'll keep her going this way.
gammaben 3/30/2005
OOC: If it wasn't already clear, the Radio On/Radio Off stuff so far
has been like a PA System. Everybody hears it. The characters
haven't yet tried 1-1 communication with the radio system. Since Chel
didn't have a comlink in his head, Nike asked someone else to pass
that request along--and at the same time, used that request as a de
facto reply to Amanda, I think, anyway. --gammaBen
Amanda waits for Chelydra to arrive (I'm not sure if that was
a `private' or `public' broadcast-in any case, Amanda, still
perplexed at her new found desire to arm herself, is now aware of
another peculiar sensation; the desire to `own' a firearm.
supreme_arbiter 3/31/2005
1) Re: Amanda's request for assistance - Sorry, I could have been
more specific about Amanda's provided options. The results didn't
really fit either, but in retrospect, they fit the -unloaded- option
closer. Should I assume that Amanda said the following? "Nike? Could
you come up to the Internal Dampening Shelves? I want to get some
ammo for this pistol out of the locker, and I don't have an access
card." (note: Nike didn't know she had no passcard)
If yes, Nike, did you reply thusly (with a little something extra so
as not to snub Amanda? :) "Bailey, could you please ask Chelydra to
meet with Amanda, make sure she is armed and see if she knows how to
operate any weapon she may choose safely? Let me know if there's a
The next turn will take place in the munitions locker. Arkady's been
itching for a sidearm as well :D
If Amanda wants to fiddle with the weapon before anyone else arrives
I'll allow it. Go to the Dice Server:
and select d6, 3 Dice/Roll, # Rolls=15
email the results to [email protected]
Otherwise, whoever arrives at the munitions locker will put their
heads together and the player with the highest Mental Resistance will roll.
2) Re: the kiss - Short of continuity (i.e. what's been done can't be
undone) you're free to develop Amanda in any direction you'd like (I
sure did with Arkady ;) I think what you're doing with her is fine :)
3) George, you get double exp pts for THX's response :) It was so in
character, it made me laugh :)
However... never trust a smiling GM :)
I'll post a new turn on Sunday along with a site update: a better map
of the ship with detailed supply room contents.
katrinalieff 4/1/2005
because Amanda is no idiot, and neither am i. i figure she will wait
untill some one gets there to give her a hand with it. i doubt she'll
be waiting long.
i will also continue to develope this love/like/ annoying intrest ass
is already set up.
stacinator 4/1/2005
because Amanda is no idiot, and neither am i.
supreme_arbiter 4/2/2005
because Amanda is no idiot, and neither am i. i
figure she will wait untill some one gets there
to give her a hand with it.
A wise move ;)