These scores are expendable. They can be used to purchase bonuses.
Characters start with a number of Luck points determined by their starting attributes (MA4e page 35). Generally, the lower a character's attributes, the higher the character's Luck score. Luck points are restored to maximum when the turn number reverts to "1".
Cost | Bonus |
1 Luck | +/- 2 before any dice roll |
2 Luck | Re-roll any one dice (i.e. re-rolling 3d6 would cost 6 Luck points) |
New characters start with zero Experience points. Characters can earn up to 5 Experience points each turn by solving puzzles, role playing in-character, being useful to the party and/or providing entertainment value.
Cost | Bonus |
50 Exp | +1 to any one attribute (CN, DX, LP, MR, RR) |
50 Exp | Remember a new Skill (Clones only) |
3 Exp | +/- 2 before any dice roll |